Page 19 - Light Dragoons 2022 CREST
P. 19
The Regimental Journal of The Light Dragoons
C Squadron
Another year has flown by and the Legion started 2021 on the back of a very successful and enjoyable deployment out to Poland on Op Cabrit. Fresh from that tour, yet with much of the Regiment deployed in Mali, the return to normal life in Gaza Barracks mid Covid lockdown made for a quiet couple of months where the Troops experienced the concept of working from home. In reality, I believe this meant actually being 100% MATT compliant, ‘completing’ JPA, and conduct- ing virtual Squadron PT via a ‘work out of the week’. Score comparison became fiercely competitive, not least between the Squadron cross-fit kings (self-proclaimed); Stinton, Rae, Turner, and Morrison, much to the ire of the OC.
Normality returned in the Spring allow- ing some training activity to recommence. New gunners were trained on ranges in Warcop in conjunction with B Sqn, which saw some notable achievements in marks- manship on the heavy weapons, but less notable performance in the D&M stakes. Jackals being pushed up the hill to the fir- ing point is never a good look, and MT were no doubt surprised to see a combi-van return with one less door than when it was signed out. Ranges continued with LFTT up to section attacks in Catterick before a break over Easter.
Early summer retained focus on lower level skills and drills, with a sniper aptitude cadre in Warcop and Ripon looking to iden- tify those most eligible, which ultimately selected LCpls Harrold and Crookes, and Tprs Butler and Wilcox-Smith to go on a sniper cadre proper with the Lancs. Then came the delights of Otterburn in May, hit by an unseasonal, even for that training area, bought of freezing rain as the troops practised patrolling and surviving! Many a sense of humour was lost on that exer- cise, but they can laugh about it now. The culmination of the summer term saw some more live fire contact drill training and for some a public order exercise showing the RMAS cadets the perfect demonstration of a rowdy crowd,
In an effort to assist the development of the NCOs, the Sqn trialled a concept of
Castlemartin live ranges
empowerment which saw the formation of patrols, led by corporals, rather than the traditional troops led by troop leaders. This meant that day to day activity was planned and managed by NCOs, allowing Tp Ldrs and Tp Sgts to focus on preparing longer term activity, and of course tea and toast. The results of this have been clear
Beach phys in Wales under LCpl Rhodes
Cpl Astwood channelling Zoolander
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