Page 3 - 2007 AMA Summer
P. 3
TheJournal ofTheArmyMountaineeringAssociation
Sail Mountaineering Opportunity
This email was sent to the AMA, are you interested?
Dear Captain Trefry-Kingdom,
I understand that you are Secretary of the Army Mountaineering Association and I wonder if you might be able to assist me.
I am in the planning stages of a trip in my boat Harrac to Smith Island in the South Shetlands. We plan to put a team onto the Island to climb Mount Foster in January 2008, which, to the best of my knowledge has never been climbed by a British team. As I’m sure you know Tllman had a go in the sixties and a United Services team had a go in the Eighties (?). The mountain was eventually climbed by a Canadian team in ’96.
You can see full details of the trip on but my big issue at the moment is that I lack a suitably qual ified and experienced person to lead the climb (I have 3 experienced amateurs to be part of the climbing team but none of them have what I need). I shall be looking after Harrac, much as I would like to climb, and I need someone with serious mountaineering experience as well as leader ship skills. There is quite a bit of fairly hairy sailing before we get to Smith Island which is another factor - I would rather not have someone who is going to be lying in their bunk praying for deliverance!
This year is the 30th anniversary of Tilman’s death in En Avant en route to Smith Island and coincidentally the 25th anniversary of the Falklands War, in which my brother in law was the senior Gunner officer. You will see from the Website that we shall be Christmasing in Port Stanley.
Many thanks
Yours sincerely
Angus Cater MA
Managing Director
SFS Group Ltd
Tel: 01306 746312
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The Army Mountaineer is published lor The .Army Mountaineering Association by:
Crest Publications
Tel: 01604 495495' Fax- 01604 495465
AMA Grant Procedure
Army Festival of Climbing
Dartmoor National Park
Fighting the chill
Alpine Training Centre
AMA Winter Meet 2006/2007
Vampire Dragon
AMA memorial
Condors and Campers
Just annther Hot rock
The Walkers Haute Route
Going tor it at the Army BouiOer Championships.