Page 103 - QDG Year of 2022 CREST
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1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards
 Cardiff Reunion Dinner
    Another cracking RCA Reunion Dinner was organised by the Committee and once again held at the Masonic Hall on Guildford Street in Cardiff. 89 Comrades and partners sat down to dine on Welsh Beef and Caerphilly Cheesy Leeks. As is now traditional many arrived on the Thursday, and it was great to see such a diverse crowd of comrades in the Old Arcade and many new, younger faces in the bar at the hall on the Saturday.
The Following Association members sat down for dinner: Brig Richmond OBE, Maj O Larminie, Col T Wilson , Mrs A Wilson, Maj Hoey, Maj R Mansel, WO1 Chant, Mr M Watson, Mr C Gibbons, Mrs P Gibbons, Mr G Walker, Mrs M Walker, Mr D Edwards, Mr S Sullivan, Mr C Williams, Mrs G Williams, Mr G Williams, Mrs S Williams, Mr D Way, Mrs S Way, Mr N Davies, Mrs A Davies, Mr Demmer, Mrs Demmer, G Humphreys, Elizabeth Lloyd, Anne-Marie Allen, Phil Allen, Mr A Yoxall, Lt Col S Burman, Mr K Dicken, Mr D Burgess, Mr Hallewell, Mr J Schumskij, Mr D Mead, Mr M Whitehead, Miss T Hopkins, Mr P Benham-Croswell, Mr J Crane, Mrs J Crane, Mr G Thomas, Lt Col B Bell, Mrs C Bell, Lt Col C Ions, Lt Col Thayer, Mrs Thayer, Mr Deacon, Mrs Deacon, Mr Babb, Mrs Babb, Maj Corfield, Lt Col Corfield, D Seddon, Mr D
Evans, Mrs S Evans, Mr G Jones, Mr P Sable, Mr C Lenderyou, Mr D Clare, Mrs Clare, Mr R Churchill, Mrs F Churchill, Mr G Morgan, Mr P Carter, Mr S Carter, Mr S Reed, Miss R Lloyd, Mr J Harding, Mr M Andrews, Mrs C Andrews, Mr T Hillman,
Mr P Morris, DJ Duruty de Lloyd, Mr C Morris, Mrs K Morris, Mr R Doe, Mrs P Doe, Mr S Apps, Mr M Hawtin, Mrs K Cox, Miss H Searle, Mrs S Poeton, Capt M Williams, Sgt Grills, WO2 Ruddy, SSgt Dale, WO2 Beal.
  RCA Dinner, good company, food and wine
 Field of Remembrance
Westminster Abbey
On Thursday 10th November a small group of serving and retired members of the Regiment gathered for the 93rd Royal British Legion Field of Remem- brance at Westminster Abbey. Her Majesty the Queen Consort laid the first wreath then toured the Regimental Plots. The Royal British Legion once again kindly planted our Regimental Rolls of Honour and wooden remem- brance crosses bearing the names of those from the KDG, Bay’s and QDG who have made the ultimate sacrifice and our wooden remembrance crosses. Due to the ongoing maintenance being carried out on the Sacristy, thus the field having to be smaller only three tickets were issued per plot, so a big thank you to the RTR who gave us a few spares enabling eight of us to attend.
Those in attendance were: The Colonel of the Regiment Brig AS Richmond OBE, Lt Col Brace MBE BEM, Maj C Beaver, Maj C Ruggles-Brise, Maj B Williams, Mr G Crane, Mr D Way and Mr M Hawtin. Next year we will hopefully have more tickets to issue, please contact HHQ if you wish to attend.
      Field of Remembrance 2022, The Regimental Plot

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