Page 104 - QDG Year of 2022 CREST
P. 104

1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards
 Combined Cavalry Memorial Parade and Service
After two years of holding a virtual Combined Cavalry Memorial Parade and Service due to the pandemic it was time to don walking out dress again. His Royal Highness, Prince Edward, Honorary Colonel of The Royal Wessex Yeomanry, took the salute on Sunday 8th May under blue sunny skies, 98 years on from the Memorial’s unveiling. We were led on parade by the Colonel of the Regiment, with Mr David Way carrying the banner and Mr Chris Gibbons carrying and laying the regimental wreath. Thank you to Lt Col Stewart Burman, Mr John Pragnell, Mr Rob Chubb and Mr Andy Bowtell for representing the RCA on the CCOCA committee and ensuring that everyone was in the right place, at the right time on the day.
   The Cavalry Memorial, St George defeating the Dragon
  The QDG Regimental Trust
    It is with great sadness that we have to record the sudden death on 15th January 2023 of the Chairman, Oliver Larminie. A full obituary for Ollie can be found elsewhere in this issue, detailing the tireless way in which he modern- ised the structure of the Trust and its procedures. Suffice it to say that he will be sorely missed by the Regimental family. Alex Roe has agreed to take over the Chairmanship for the time being. Tim Wilson was appointed a Trustee at the end of 2022.
2022 witnessed a post-Covid return to normality, which allowed the Regiment to participate in a programme of adventurous training, much of which was aided by the Trust when Army and personal funds were not fully available. A major contribu-
tion was also paid towards Exercise in his report and in future the Trust’s Eagle’s Return, which successfully benevolence will continue to be super-
raised the profile of the Regiment in its major recruiting areas,
and also for the fabrication
of miniature silver Jackals
vised by Patrick Andrews.
All bequests and dona-
as gifts. In addition to the regular financial support to the Commanding Officer, the Messes and to recruiting, the Trust will be paying for the upgrading of ceremonial uniforms, as well as new trumpets and trumpet banners.
All bequests and donations to the Trust are most gratefully received
tions to the Trust are most gratefully received. The full name of the charity is 1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards Regimental Trust, Charity Commis- sion number 274689. The Trustees normally apply gifts to the general benefit of the Trust, although there is also a restricted fund for benevolence should donors specifically
With regard to benevo-
lence, the principal point
of contact is the Regimental Secretary, who coordinates our cases with other charities: these activities are covered
wish to support that activity.

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