Page 22 - QDG Year of 2022 CREST
P. 22

 20 1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards
 Regimental Christmas Day 2021
    Regimental Christmas day in 2021 was unlike any other QDG has experienced, whilst the ROG celebrations took the usual form the LRRG in Mali planned a day with a West African twist. Many readers of this article will look back with fond memories to their Regimental Christmas days, so we tried to ensure this years would live up to those high expectations.
After the Christmas Day service the Task Group returned to the Cookhouse, the Seniors and Officers went about their work in making sure everything was prepared for the arrival of the soldiers. The two can rule was in play, the food was ready, and everyone was in place for the two sittings that would follow. Lunch was a roaring success and, minus a couple of rogue
Out in Mali we began the celebrations by opening
some very well-timed packages and letters from
the Regimental Comrades Association and the
Colonel of the Regiment. The new baseball caps
and small gifts were very welcome and went down tremendously well across the entire Task Group – a
great touch. That evening, we assembled as a Task
Group and attended a Christmas Eve Carol Service.
Padres from across all the UN Units came together
and delivered a great service for all forces in Camp
Castor. After this, everybody went to bed... until,
in the middle of the night a team of Irish Rangers
took it upon themselves to spread talcum powder
throughout GMSG accommodation block. They even knocked on the door of Capt Homer who was taken aback a pace or two with shock and surprise! However, the games were not complete and went on for some time, far longer than can (or should) be described in this article. At the same time of this incident taking place, some of our soldiers found some blue spray paint, a recce tree stencil and someone from the Royal Irish. Let’s just say it was a good evening for QDG branding. Come 2359hrs, and much to the surprise of A Sqn and A Coy, hands were shook and conversations shared. The men and women of the Long Range Reconnaissance Group (LRRG) formed a truce and wished their foe a happy Christmas and went to bed. Mr Hopkins was more shocked than anyone that such a competitive couple of hours could dissipate so quickly!
First thing Christmas morning, the Gunfire was prepared and delivered by the Officers and Seniors at a very generous 0700hrs. The soldiers of the Task Group even had a break-
fast roll along with a few parcels that were very kindly sent
out from the families in the UK. After gunfire, a lighter break-
fast was served and the Christmas service followed. This service gave everyone the ability to reflect on the previous year and time to think of their families back in the UK who we would not see for another five months, the road ahead was long, but days were being ticked off many a soldiers chuff
sprouts, every single plate was cleared. After lunch the Commanding Officer instigated a sing off which saw 200 soldiers raging verbal war against each other with the 12 days of Christmas, quite a site to behold (and hear)!
After a full stomach and a couple of films, we then sat down to some BBQ food and a quiz, the evening ran smoothly and was great. Personnel from all other nations were invited to join us and we all had a great evening, even the piano was dusted off for a short while.
The temperature on Christmas day was over 40 degrees, there was no snow and we all missed the usual regimental festivities, along with seeing our families over the Christmas period. With all this in mind, we look forward to making the most of next Christmas when we will all be back in the UK... Whingeing about how cold it is and sharing our best
“this one time in Mali” dits.
A special mention must be made for the Regimental Comrades’
Association and Mark Ashley-Miller who put together a plan to deliver hampers to the loved ones of all QDG deployed. From all members of the LRRG and I deployed at Christmas, it was nice to know that our families would receive a hamper at such a special time and we massively appreciated it - Diolch.
Let’s just say it was a good evening for QDG branding
 Merry Christmas ya filthy animals!

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