Page 24 - QDG Year of 2022 CREST
P. 24

 many to bid for their own AT courses in order to gain qualifications and progress towards being an instructor. AT provides an excellent platform for troops to test themselves in an enjoyable but risky environment and also encourages Troop bonding and cohesion. All who deployed made the most of their two weeks and this was certainly a highlight of B Sqn’s year. The Army Lodges in Bavaria are a real jewel in the Defence Estate crown, providing a brilliant service and also a tremendous location from which AT can be conducted. We intend to go back there next year and build upon the expe- riences that we had, Bavaria in the late spring is pretty hard to beat...!
The Freedom of Dereham parade on the 28th of June 2022 marked the start of a month of parades across England and Wales for the entire Regiment. They allowed the Unit to connect with our wider Regimental family, in the recruiting grounds that the vast majority of our Soldiers call home. There they cele- brated and reflected on what had been an extremely busy 18 months for the QDG. B Sqn filled the marching ranks of Waterloo Division spending three weeks moving from location to location around Wales and the Border Counties proudly parading in front of their friends, families and home communities. Being able to conduct tasks like this is a real privilege, and keeps the Army in the eyes of the Public. The receptions were all excel- lent and fun was had by everyone. As a Welsh regiment being based in East Anglia (classic Army...!) this was a real opportunity to connect with our histor- ical roots, and a real highlight was the Cardiff Parade where King Charles (then Price Charles) took the salute and was front and centre of a truly excellent Regi- mental photograph.
Throughout the end of July, B Sqn deployed on Op UNITY, the Military Assistance to Civil Authority (MACA) support to the Commonwealth Games. Soldiers were utilised in security roles at several locations across Birmingham. This provided an excellent opportunity for soldiers to interact with the public and to witness a wide variety of world class live sport. Highlights of the deployment included the marshalling of the rugby sevens at the Alexander Stadium and the women’s cricket at Edgbaston. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity to have access to such open an event as the Commonwealth Games at such close quarters and was an excellent segway into summer leave for all of B Sqn. This was helped by the accommodation in Cannock Chase Forrest which provided a variety of challenging running routes and a wonderful backdrop to relax when not on task. This was a memorable time for B Sqn and one where we were able to grow as a collective, and crucially hone
Holkham Beach Phys
    Try and keep up 2IC!
  Corsham Mines entrance
Mr Navunisaravi leaving B Sqn
Sgt Casey being promoted
     B Sqn / Waterloo Division on Parade

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