Page 47 - QDG Year of 2022 CREST
P. 47

Sliding into another early knock off.
been used for Adventurous Training, the first trip was to Slovenia on Ex Eagles Paddle. This was a 2 week package with kayaking and mountain biking. Slovenia is a beautiful country but has real moun- tains unlike the UK. Slovenia was really challenging for everyone uphill and down a real adventure for all and testing every ones skill, courage and fitness. Insert Slovenia Pics
The REME LAD also had an AT trip in Aviemore Scotland but this was a winter trip not a summer trip and the conditions were the complete opposite. The first day was clear until the journey back to the accommodation when it dropped about half a foot of snow in an hour. The rest of the week was hit and miss with the riding locations but everyday the groups managed to have a good day despite some snow.
Eagles Recovery
One day the Squadron Leader of HQ Sqn Maj Mansel pitched an idea for an event for the Rehabilitation and the Reconditioning PT groups to complete a challenge in line with Op Teamwork, this was to be an all-inclusive event for
Mountain biking everywhere.
those not able to challenge themselves on normal PT due to injury. In the end the event was called Ex Eagles Recovery and the challenge was to complete the Peddars Way trail which is 46 miles in length mostly cross country. There was a walking group led by Sgt Taylor and a mountain bike group led by SSgt Ellis. The walking group made it to the first checkpoint this was at the 10 mile point and all the riders 12 in total made it to the end of the 46 mile trail. The mountain bike riders found it hard towards the end especially with their rear ends being a bit tender from about the half way point.
Mountain biking there.
Team Building
The Gym is known as the busiest hardest working department in the Regiment but we did manage to get a team building day in. We went to the Norfolk Snowsport dry ski slope for a good laugh at PTIs falling of skis. The day went really well only 2 people crashed into the barriers. After skiing we went for a meal at the Norwich Turtle Bay, a really good day was had by the hardest workers in the Regiment.
1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards

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