Page 45 - QDG Year of 2022 CREST
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 1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards 43
After a delayed start due to falling ceilings and being chased by a bull (don’t ask!) I finally arrived at QDG in September 2022. I wasn’t really sure what to expect – APC Glasgow had called me up one day...”so you’re good in isolated loca- tions Padre – there is this one-of-a-kind regiment in the back of beyond – we are not really sure what they do, but they are kind of infantry/recce/light cavalry, and they have funny vehicles”. “Okay, I said... anything else?”
“They’re Welsh”.
Not the answer I had expected – but this was the hook, my having spent all my holidays in North Wales growing up on the Wirral which borders the country of Wales.
I was previously with the Artillery, 4th, up in North Yorkshire where I had spent 18 months so the move to Norfolk was a big one for me and my trusty best friend Hamish, a grumpy Scottish Terrier, funnily enough who was born in Wales.
It has been a great move though and I love Norfolk and working with everyone at the Welsh Cavalry. My first big gig was Remembrance and having got in touch with the local church we did the first local parade for a long time in Swanton Morley.
Do you have a moment to talk about our Lord & Saviour?
    A Christmas Carol service followed and standing on a chair counting down the 12 days of Christmas in the regimental restaurant well, shall we say, was memo- rable!
So what does a Padre do – I hope many of you are aware I don’t just do religion! Although, of course, this plays a big part, the best part of my job is to listen. So, when things get tough, or maybe you want some time out for a chat – come find me. The kettle is always on and you will make a grumpy Scottie Dog’s Day!
The God Squad
   Catering Department
    2022 has been exiting and challenging year for the department, again filled with uncertainty from one day to the next with so many trawls and taskings, but again the department rose to the occasion. With the pandemic now well and truly behind us the chefs had the opportu- nity to showcase their skills once again. LCpl Watson had the first task of the year by being deployed to Salisbury Plain by assisting the training of the Ukrainian Soldiers by making sure they were well and truly fed. Sgt Hodgson and Cpl Akerman then deployed to Gibraltar to assist with the decompression for the unit returning from OP NEWCOMBE.
We then said goodbye to Sgt Hodgson who quietly left the regiment after 22 years of service, this left poor Sgt Dunn dealing with all sorts of taskings and regi- mental demands fulfilling the UCM role aging him by many years in the process. We were then able to fulfil the Waterloo celebrations with the traditional Menu which was enjoyed by all in attendance. Next came EX EAGLES RETURN, most the department travelled to Wales to support this event. In the middle of the heatwave watching the QDG soldiers sweat from head to toe in their service dress, we were sent to several locations
to support including Wrexham, Cardiff and Hereford. Whilst this was happening LCpl Watson deployed to South Cerney for several weeks again preparing the Ukrainians with nutritious food. New arrival Pte Copper was TRAWLED to Northern Ireland to start learning his trade.
After a busy summer and leave we finally had the chance to send the chefs on well overdue career courses. LCpl Tice and LCpl Watson were away for 11 weeks learning new high class culinary skills on their Chef Class 1 course, Cpl Akerman went on his Production Chef supervisor’s course with all 3 exceeding with fantastic course reports. Next came OP LONDON BRIDGE in where Pte Wanjiku deployed at short notice to Wellington Barracks to support the unfortunate passing of her majesty Queen Elizabeth the 2nd.
We then welcomed the new UCM to the department SSgt Rana who settled in quickly being tasked immediately with the preparations of EX WARFIGHTER 2023, which then lead to the Christmas functions for 2022. Many were planned and executed with the Officers Mess enjoying canopie evenings and dinner nights alike.
In 2022 we welcomed SSgt Rana and Pte Cooper into the department. We said goodbye to Sgt Craig Hodgson after 22 years’ service. Congratulations goes to Pte Wanjiku who was selected to LCpl who then received the news of his next assignment to Plymouth.
  The new range stew menu.

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