Page 11 - 1995 AMA Autumn
P. 11
Posn Rnk Name Competitor Heats Finals Number Placing Placing
Posn Rnk Name Competitor Number
50. ATpr Lean 39
Heats Finals Placing Placing
& Above
33- 18+ 18- 17 17 17 17 17- 17+ 17+ 17- 16+ 16
1.51 2.04 2.27 2.02 3.25 2.15 2.33 2.03 4.17 3.41 4.55 2.43 3.11 3.04 15+ 2.43 3.49 15 15+ 2.57 3.30 17+ 12+ 13+ 7+ 7
06. Sgt 07. W02 08. Cpl 09. Sgt
11 Top
Top 30-(1) 28+ 27+ 27+ 27
27 26- 25+ 25+ 25 24 24-
35. LCpl
36. Sgt
37. ATpr
38. Maj
39. 2Lt
40. Sgt
41. SSgt
42. LCpl
43. Lt
44. OCdt
45. SSgt
46. LCpl
47. Cpl
48. ATpr
49. Cpl
Chinnery 41 Top Henderson 52 Top Crowther 45 Top Smith 51 44 Callaghan 50 43 Pugsley 70 43- Fowle 56 43- Brown 69 40+
OCdt Pike
W02 Blake 16 Top
51. Sgt
52. Capt
53. LCpl
54. Sgt
55. LCpl
56. SSgt
57. Cpl
58. Capt
59. OCdt
60. LCpl
61. OCdt
62. LCpl Lawson 68
W02 Carter OCdt Little Pte Jones
22 Top 12 19+ 26 Top 21 Top
Smith 15 19-
Gale Marshall Derben Howell Franklin Campbell Hedge Barker Douglas Edwards Franklin Crowson Powell Bird
W illson Aldwinckle Coff Adams
24 18+ 25 Top 03 Top 14 19 32 19- 33 18+ 17 15 19 15- 06 15- 09 15- 13 15- 31 14+ 28 11 18 11 20 10+ 01 8- 05 5- 08 4+
10. Maj 11. Ocdt 12. Spr 13. Capt 14. Sgt 15. Lt
16. Cpl 17. OCdt 18. OCdt 19. Lt
20. Pte 21. Sgt 22. Sgt 23. Maj 24. LCpl 25. OCdt
HVS to El
26. LCpl
27. Cpl
28. Cpl
29. 2Lt
30. Cpl
31. SSgt
32. SSgt
33. Pte
34. Cpl Miln 58 Top
Whitbread 55 Top
Top 30- 29- 28+ 28 26 25- 24 24- 24- 17 15-
Painting Asquith Mitchell Baker McConnochie Braid
61 Top 62 Top 67 Top 42 Top 4 Top 43 Top 73 Top
84. Capt
85. Cpl
86. Capt
87. LCpl
88. Cpl
89. Cpl
Hoff 88 Roberts 80 Weir 85 Millard 102 Cowie 84 Taliku 95
+ 4+ 4+
Smyth 72 Russell 49 Muir 54 Calcutt 59 Richards 8 Patel 48 Blair 35
40 (3) 40
When many competitors Top Out, positions are ranked
by lime (4) Won on a head to head superfinal.
36- 36- 34-
. Key
- Touched Hold (Holds numbered)
Mutch 60 Fahey 47 Burgess 71 Shorten 53 Eddington 57 Bateman 46 Kelly 66 Waller 36 Warren 37 Barker 65 Neiper 63
Harmer 100
2.21 (4) 2.21 2.37 2.40 2.45 3.12 3.21 3.53 4.37 19+ 18+ 12+ 12+ 12+ 12+
12- 11+ 11+ 11+ 11+ 11+
63. Lt
64. LCpl
65. Sgt
66. W02
67. Sgt
68. Cpl
69. Spr
70. Pte
71. ATpr
72. Gnr
73. Cpl
74. LCpl
75. Maj
76. W02 Whitley 92
77. Cpl Easthill 90
78. LCpl Sekula 79
79. LCpl Clark 94
80. Cpl McCarthy 87
81. Maj Cowling 89
82. Cpl Bowman 83
83. Cpl Hannis 81
Van Rassel
Seager 105 McCaffrey 104 Dyson 98 Foskett 97 Jones 103 Stevens 86
(1) Best placed veteran (Above 35 years)
(2) Best placed lady
Held Hold
+ Made upward progress using hold
78 91 99 93 101 82