Page 29 - Bugle Spring 2025
P. 29

This year, the Welfare Team’s primary focus
has been on strengthening community
spirit and creating opportunities for people
to come together. The summer months
provided the perfect backdrop, offering a
season packed with engaging events that
brought the Battalion and our families and
friends closer together.
One of those highlights was the excitement
surrounding the Euro Football screenings, where
fans gathered in the Ranger Tavern to cheer on
their teams in a thrilling, nail-biting atmosphere
that kept everyone on the edge of their seats.
The shared energy and camaraderie of these
match days exemplified the spirit of unity that
the Battalion has worked hard to foster.
Another shining moment was the annual
Salamanca Day celebrations which featured
bouncy castles, a climbing wall, a bungee
trampoline, go-karting, and an airsoft
range; there was something for everyone.
Additionally, interactive experiences with
Berkshire’s birds of prey, and Ems Friendly
Farm, which provided animals for petting,
much to the joy of younger visitors.
Families and friends gathered to unwind and
enjoy live music from local band, The Files, who
provided the perfect soundtrack to a relaxed
evening, rounding off a truly fantastic Salamanca
Day. This year’s celebration was a testament to
community spirit, and its success promises even
more excitement for years to come.
Young Rangers at
Salamanca Day
4 RANGER Haloween Party
Sgt Gary Joy organiser
of Salmanaca Day
A highlight of the past six months was
having the honour and opportunity to dine
out a previous mess member from our days
as 4 RIFLES, Capt Steve Boyd. The evening
included current Mess members, RIFLES
RHQ and some of Capt Boyd’s personal
friends, a true testament to his career. He
was presented with a Silver Bugle from the
mess he first promoted to Sjt in.
This year we took the decision to outsource
our Christmas function at Farnborough
exhibition centre. This marked the first time the
Mess has ‘moved outside the wire’ for a formal
event. Despite a high level of deployments
from across the evening was well attended
and proved to be an excellent opportunity to
rub shoulders with local corporate businesses
such as Barclays Bank and Rolls Royce, flying
the flag, as always, for The Rifles and Ranger
Sjts lose out on the Christmas games night
Regiment alike.
We held a better later than never Hawaiian
themed summer function in the Mess Garden.
All was well aside from a lonely and unloved
looking operator for the mechanical surf
machine at the start of the night. This all
changed when CSjt Sam Oliver kicked off the
event with a topless cover of a surf scene from
the movie, Point Break. His strong performance
ultimately won him a stand-up paddle board
Thanks to
CSM R Coy,
for the longest to remain standing. We pray
for those on the Basingstoke canal who may
bump into him paddleboarding in the future.
Thanks goes to CSM R Coy, Stephen Hendry for
a fantastic night.
We now congratulate the Regimental
Serjeant Major, WO1 Jamie Tyson on promotion
to 1(UK) Div Command Serjeant Major and look
forward to dining him out in the New Year.
RIFLES The Bugle 29

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