Page 35 - Bugle Spring 2025
P. 35
Through November and December, D
Company deployed a 17-person Short Term
Training Team (STTT) to Jaji, Nigeria, to
deliver a Train the Trainer (T3) package to
the Nigerian Army.
Led by Lt Jack Rye, the team worked under
the umbrella of the British Military Advisory
Training Team (BMATT) delivering a training
package to 46 Nigerian students, to develop
instructional techniques, concentrating on
infantry tactics. This included: Fieldcraft,
Medical, Urban, Counter IED and Ground Sign
Awareness training. The student body had
a broad range of experiences which largely
enhanced the team’s instructional ability.
Many had recently returned from, or were
is where
II stayed
during her
Royal Visit
to Nigeria
in 1956.
to say the
feel right
at home…
soon to deploy on, combat operations and as
a result were actively engaged in the tactical
lessons due to understanding the real-world
The team also partnered alongside the
United Nations Explosive Ordnance Risk
Education Team, assisting the delivery of
their bespoke course, raising community
awareness of unexploded ordinance
(UXO). UXO remains a significant threat to
local communities in the Northwest of the
country and it is something that many of the
students have experienced whilst on combat
The STTT’s counter IED and ground sign
awareness specialists were sent to the capital
city to instruct on Ex RAPID RESPONSE. This
is a major Counter Terror Exercise testing the
Nigerian governmental response to a terror
attack or similar incident in Abuja. Working
alongside partner forces and agencies, Sjt
Carpenter, Sjt Mann, and Cpl Coxon delivered
lessons and practical exercises to audiences
of 300+ students from across the Nigerian
Armed Forces and other local services.
The team have been able to make use of
Kaduna Government House, as it has been
made available for respite on weekends.
Owned by the British High Commission,
the house is home to luscious gardens, a
swimming pool and is where Queen Elizabeth
II stayed during her Royal Visit to Nigeria in
1956. Needless to say the Riflemen feel right
at home…
RIFLES The Bugle 35