Page 37 - Bugle Spring 2025
P. 37
A Company parade group photo
OC A Company leading the
marching contingent in Hereford
Remembrance is an important occasion for
all pillars of The Rifles, and this includes A
Company, 6 RIFLES. The Company recruits
from the counties of Gloucestershire and
Herefordshire, and Bristol, and supports The
Rifles Remembrance activities across this
region. This includes wreath laying at the
many Freedom Towns in the area: Hereford,
Bromyard, Leominster, Ross-on-Wye,
Gloucester, Coleford, Stroud, Tewkesbury,
Bristol, Bath and Chepstow. The regiment
recruits widely from across the area with
many fallen Riflemen originally growing up
in the region; one of the most significant
tasks is wreath laying in Remembrance of
these Riflemen: Sjt McAleese and Riflemen
Cooper in Hereford; Riflemen Aldridge
in Bromyard; Cpl Nield in Cheltenham;
Riflemen Lamb in Hopton Green; Riflemen
Gunn in Monmouth and Lt Chesterman in
Stoke Bishop.
These activities have historically been
supported by our regular battalions,
but operational activities have curtailed
the support available in recent years. To
complicate matters, this year our own Bn was
deploying to Spain for EX IBERIAN STAR over
Planning started several months in advance
under the control of the PSAO, Capt Rafferty
MC. The Company has historically provided a
marching contingent to both the parades in
Bristol and Hereford. With nearly a platoon’s
worth of Riflemen due to deploy to Spain the
decision was swiftly made to concentrate
effort on the Hereford parade; here The Rifles
are the only military marching contingent, the
remainder of the parade being either youth
organisations or veterans.
We also activated contacts within the wider
RIFLES network, calling out to the other pillars
of the regiment for assistance. RIFLES veterans
stepped up, as did individuals volunteers from
regular battalions (with WO2 Christian from
CAMS providing support).
The weekend itself has always been
very well supported by the volunteers
of A Company. On Friday evening troops
from all three platoons (Gloucester, Bristol,
and Hereford) converged on Company
headquarters in Gloucester. Once assembled
the annual puzzle of trying to size and equip
all our Riflemen correctly in no2 uniform
began. Thanks to the sterling efforts of
CSjt Miller, we managed to complete
this late on Friday night, freeing
up time for drill practice and kit
preparation on Saturday.
Drill preparation is always an
interesting task. The limited time
available to reserve soldiers mean operational
essential skills are the priority; scope for
drill is limited or non-existent. None of our
reserve Riflemen learn RIFLES drill during
their recruit training. Finally, transferees from
across the army, including the Engineers
and the Household Cavalry, have spent years
perfecting their heavy drill. Thankfully our
Riflemen are quick, adaptable learners and
after a few hours practice were beginning to
reach the standard required.
On Saturday afternoon we relocated to
Suvla Barracks, and conducted some ‘fun’ but
complicated team PT, under the supervision of
Sjt Cochrane. This was followed by equipment
care training and later a company social (once
Riflemen Dower had successfully navigated a
very challenging 30-minute phone call to the
local curry house to order food).
On Sunday morning, following some
short and sharp drill practice we kitted up
for one final inspection, a quick photograph
and a toast to the Fallen. We then marched
into Hereford, taking the same route as our
predecessors during both world wars. Despite
the demands of Ex IBERIAN STAR and
wreath laying we were fortunate to
be able to muster thirty Riflemen
for the marching contingent.
Concurrently those undertaking
wreath laying tasks were
assembling around the region.
Parades and wreath laying completed, we
returned to the ARC to host friends and family,
plus veterans from The Rifles Association,
always a good opportunity to catch up with
current and former comrades.
WO2 Chandler CSM A Coy
RIFLES The Bugle 37