Page 48 - Bugle Spring 2025
P. 48
The RTT has had a busy but fulfilling year,
training over 800 Riflemen of all ranks, over
the five main courses: Rifleman’s Cadre,
Tactical Navigation, Infantry Skills, pre-RMAS
and the NCO development course.
We have experienced several changes: I
took over from Capt Lee Jones as the OC, Sjt
Brown (1 RIFLES) replaced Sjt Poole, who has
been promoted to Company Quartermaster
Serjeant, and Cpl Hawkes has been assigned
to the Infantry Training Centre Catterick as a
PTI, where he will continue to inspire the next
generation of Riflemen.
One of the year’s highlights has been
welcoming our two guest instructors from the
Georgian Army. They joined us from August
to November, bringing their own unique
knowledge and skills. Their professionalism
was excellent, and we hope they have taken
some useful tactics and ideas back to their
training academy. It was a pleasure working
with them, and we look forward to building on
this partnership in the future.
We have run seven Rifleman’s Cadres,
focusing on core skills including the basic
radio user course and navigation, and we have
conducted visits to The Rifles Museum and
Regimental Headquarters, all of which have
helped cement the Regiment’s ethos into our
new Riflemen, and provide an understanding of
how it cares for its people. We have conducted
a review of the Cadre, and the new course will
be in line with the most recent outputs from
ITC Catterick, ensuring that our training remains
relevant and forward-thinking.
The Tactical Navigation Course has grown
in popularity among Riflemen of all ranks,
teaching them to navigate effectively over
difficult terrain during the day and night. The
Infantry Skills Course has provided Riflemen
with an opportunity to revisit the fundamentals
of conventional warfighting, where Riflemen
48 RIFLES The Bugle
The last
six months
has been a
year for
the RTT,
which has
been a
to the
of the
have strengthened their understanding of core
tactics like fire and movement, platoon level
operations, and command and control whilst
under pressure.
For those aspiring SNCOs who wish to
instruct at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst
(RMAS), the Pre-RMAS Cadre has been a key
opportunity to hone their skills. The two-week
course focused on physical and conceptual
preparation, and saw the Riflemen visit RMAS,
where they gained the most up-to-date insights
and advice from the current instructors. As a
former RMAS instructor, I am confident we have
set them up for success in February ‘25.
The last six months has been a fantastic year
for the Regimental Training Team, which has
been a testament to the dedication of the team.
Swift and Bold!
Capt S Cox, OC RTT