Page 55 - Bugle Spring 2025
P. 55
The Annual VC Stone Commemoration
remembered especially Capt Arthur
Ceremony took place at Durham
Moore Lascelles, who was awarded his
Cathedral, where the names of all
VC on 11 January 1918 for ‘conspicuous
those soldiers of the DLI who had been
bravery, initiative and devotion to duty,
awarded the VC in the years from 1841-
the remarkable determination and
1942, were read out. As part of the annual
gallantry having afforded an inspiring
rotation, Lt Col John Heron TD, President,
example to all’.
Some members and guests at the
Faithful Inkerman Dinner Club VC
Stone at Durham Cathedral.
Armistice Day in Durham Marketplace
Remembering LCpl Peter Eustace 2 RIFLES
‘Gone but never Forgotten’ a pledge made by
The Rifles to the families of the Fallen was
enacted in Allerton Cemetery, Liverpool on
the 16th of November annually to remember
Lance Corporal Peter Eustace. He was
killed by an improvised explosive device
in 2011 while conducting a joint patrol with
Delhi Company 1st Battalion The Yorkshire
Regiment attached to Combined Force in
Helmand province. This was Peter’s second
tour of duty in Helmand having previously
served in Iraq. He was 25 years old.
On the anniversary of his death, Peter’s
family gathered at his graveside with veteran
Riflemen. Peter’s mum, Carol, ensured that the
grave was beautifully adorned with flowers and
that the family was suited, booted and present.
The Service was made more special by
the attendance of Sjt Joseph Nwagu, 2 RIFLES
remembered by the family for his part in the
‘Receiving Party’ at RAF Brize Norton and
thereafter the ‘Bearer Party’ at his funeral. SJt
Nwagu was accompanied by Cpl Miles, who
served in 2 RIFLES Mortar Platoon with Peter
and laid the Wreath on behalf of the Regiment.
The Address on behalf of the family was
given by Peter’s grandfather, John and the
family take much comfort in knowing that the
Regiment has not forgotten Peter’s sacrifice.
In-Pensioners and Service’s Muster
Parade during the Poppy Drop.
Festival of Remembrance
– Durham Cathedral
The Festival of Remembrance at Durham Cathedral was another huge
success. It commemorates the sacrifices of many in conflict over the
years and it supports the Army Benevolent Fund.
Lord Lieutenant with her Lord
Lieutenant’s Cadets.
The DLI Assn 2024 Remembrance Cenotaph Trip to London
was a huge success and another great example of paying
our respects and keeping alive the memory of the DLI
Regiment and their sacrifices over the years for our freedom.
39 colleagues attended the trip, which included DLI Assn
members, as well as family & friends.
Remembrance Sunday – Durham
68th Society given “eyes right” at the
DLI VC Stone on Remembrance Day.
RIFLES The Bugle 55