Page 57 - Bugle Spring 2025
P. 57
Kenneth Joel, KOYLI veteran, celebrated his
100th birthday on 3 November at a surprise
birthday party organised by his family and
friends. Deputy Lord Lieutenant of South
Yorkshire, RIFLES Regional Colonel South
Yorkshire, Lieutenant Colonel (Retired)
Graham Whitmore joined civic dignitaries
for the celebration.
Association Standard Bearer, Adrian
Waites carried the KOYLI Standard as Minden
House Buglers sounded a fanfare and then
entertained with a selection of Regimental
marches and the KOYLI Regimental march,
‘With Jockey to the Fair’.
Minden House Buglers, Lt Col (Retd) Graham Whitmore, Stand Bearer Adrian Waites,
Mayor of Sheffield, Ken Joel, and Deputy Lord Lieutenant of South Yorkshire.
Opening of The Field of Remembrance
Westminster Abbey
KOYLI Chelsea Pensioner, Phil Watkins, with Rob Smith
and Colin Cranswick represented the KOYLI at the opening
ceremony for the Field of Remembrance at Westminster Abbey
by HRH The Duchess of Gloucester. Afterwards Rob and Colin
were entertained at the Royal Hospital Chelsea with a guided
tour and some excellent banter with other In-Patients in the
pensioners club.
Regimental Memorial Service and Lunch York
Standard bearers Rob Smith and Colin
Cranswick at Featherston War Horse
The annual RIFLES, Light Infantry, and King’s Own Yorkshire
Light Infantry Memorial Service and Lunch in York, witnessed
the coming together of the 5 Pillars of The Rifles.
Brigadier Mark Wilson MBE, with Major Ben Clare, and Captain
Dave Ridley, represented the Regular and Reserve pillars. The
Community’s pillar was represented by the Lord Lieutenant
of West Yorkshire. Deputy Lord Lieutenant of South Yorkshire,
and the mayors from each of the Freedom Towns of Doncaster,
Leeds, Wakefield, and Kirklees which covers the Freedom Towns
of Batley and Dewsbury. Cadets pillar by Yorkshire N&W ACF
Assistant Commandant, Lt Col David Crawford, and WO1(RSM)
SSMI Terry Yates. The Association’s pillar by Association members,
retired Officers and soldiers, from The Rifles, Light Infantry, and
mostly from the KOYLI.
Brigadier Mark presented retired KOYLI Captain Dickie Dutton
with a Certificate of Appreciation for his unwavering commitment
and support of the Association. Living in London Dickie has
been the representative of the KOYLI at numerous London-based
events. Now in his 90s, he has only recently handed over the
reins. Dickie, you are greatly thanked for your contribution and
continued support of the Association
and that of its members and
families, Cede Nullis.
Brig Mark Wilson MBE presenting
a Certificate of Appreciation to
Capt (Retd) Dickie Dutton
At the site of ‘Joey’ the War Horse sculpture in Featherstone the community came
together to witness the unveiling by the Mayor of Featherstone of a handmade purple
poppy coat for Joey. 4,000 purple poppies, including 353 red poppies as a mark of
respect for the Featherstone soldiers whose lives were lost in the First World War, were
lovingly crocheted by volunteers from ‘Murphy’s Army’ an animals’ in service charity,
The purple poppy is a symbol of remembrance for all service animals.
Association Standards Bearers joined police officers and police service animals from
West Yorkshire Police Force and British Transport Police.
Standard bearers Colin Cranswick
and Rob Smith with West Yorkshire
Police and British Transport Police
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