Page 64 - Bugle Spring 2025
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The South West continued its busy schedule
when the Association held its third Lazy
Summer Afternoon BBQ and Cornish Cream
Tea in July in the garden to the rear of The
Keep. This event was very well attended and
is very much a fixture in the diary now.
Despite The Keep being temporarily closed
and out of bounds, due to essential building
works, the annual reunion there went ahead
in the garden to the rear of the building and
at the Duke of Cornwall Light Infantry War
Memorial where a short service was conducted
by Reverend Ann Kerridge. The names of Light
Infantry soldiers who died on Operations was
read out by Nigel James MBE. A pasty supper
followed and the troops were entertained by The
Wandering Elderberries – a-cappella Cornish
Sea shanty singers and James Inglis, our very
own Museum Assistant Curator with his guitar.
In October, D Company 6 RIFLES hosted
a Black Tie Curry Dinner Night at the Army
Reserve Centre in Truro. A few of our members
were invited to join them before the Company
deployed on Annual Camp.
Remembrance Weekend started with a tab
up Rough Tor on Bodmin Moor to lay a wreath
at the 43rd Wessex Division War Memorial on
its summit. A tractor and trailer were on hand
to assist those less able, which was most ably
driven by Adam James an ex-Rifleman, almost
all the way to the top. Accompanied by the
Duke of Cornwall Light Infantry Standard, the
Last Post, two-minute silence and Reveille
were observed, followed by the Cornish
hymn – This is My Cornwall. Each corner of our
Association: the DCLI, SCLI, LI and
RIFLES was represented by our members, too
many to name here. A well-deserved lunch
followed at The Old Inn, St Breward.
Bodmin Town Council started its
Remembrance Sunday Parade at the St
Lawrence Clock Tower at Town End before
continuing a long-held tradition of Parading
at The Duke of Cornwall Light infantry War
Memorial at The Keep. Along with the Mayoral
Party, the Lord Lieutenant, High Sherrif and
Association Members laid wreaths at the
foot of ‘The Cornish Soldier’ before moving
to the main event at the Town War Memorial
in Priory Park and the Duke of Cornwall Light
Infantry Chaple in St Petroc’s Parish Church. As
has also become traditional, the association
members attending, joined for a carvery
lunch at The Victoria Inn, Roche. Armistice
was observed at The Keep and Mount
Folly in Bodmin where our Standard
Bearers were in attendance.
The year ended with a
special Christmas Lunch
were sung,
and the
raffle was
in December at the Victoria Inn, Roche. Carols
were sung, crackers pulled and the obligatory
raffle was raffled.
Details of how to join the Association can
be obtained from Rhonda and Debbie
at The Rifles Office Bodmin (01208
73595) or Nigel James (07554 991836).
64 RIFLES The Bugle