Page 27 - Bugle Issue 19 Spring 2022
P. 27
A Company deployed to White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico alongside the US Green Berets in July-September as the final validation in the 8-month training cycle. The Green Berets are the United States’ Army Special Forces specialists in military assistance and unconventional warfare. The US-led Unconventional Warfare Exercise (UWEX) tested A Company’s ability prior to its deployment on operations. This validation was very demanding and regularly tested the Company Task Group to near failure.
Four 12-soldier teams deployed with the HQ and a significant number of enablers. The UK Task Group was enhanced by specialists from across the 6th (UK) Division. This included Military Working Dogs; EOD and Search; Surveillance Target Acquisition (STA) Patrols; Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) and mini-unmanned aerial systems (UAS) capabilities; a 77X Information Activity and Outreach Team
and, Intelligence and Electronic Warfare capabilities. A role-playing partner force also deployed to enable the Task Group to train effectively.
Once acclimatised to the heat, the Teams focussed on unilateral operations which saw them deploy in small numbers to conduct precision tasks, often focussing on a raid with the use of enablers. The Fort Bragg training area presented a vast area for tactical actions with most vehicle moves taking over two hours through desert, tundra and wasteland.
Once the Teams had shaken-out and were comfortable operating in the conditions,
the Task Group deployed on Company-level
unconventional tasks. A full suite of US assets was made available to them, including support and attack helicopters, ISR and close air support platforms.
The second phase of the exercise saw the Teams linking-up with their partner force at-reach from the Task Group. Each Team conducted a period of integration and designed a bespoke training package to develop their partner force. Beset by scorching sun and extreme thunderstorms, the troops re-deployed after two weeks to conduct validating actions for the final phase. UWEX culminated in a joint US-UK Task Group night raid incorporating an Operational Detachment Alpha (a Green Beret Team).
The exercise accelerated A Company’s interoperability with the Green Berets and has contributed to working lessons in Land Special Operations in the Army Special Operations Brigade. A Company are now validated and ready for the first Ranger operations in 2022.
Capt Jenny Gunning Team Commander
A team from A Company strike a target with divisional enablers
Fort Bragg – with most vehicle moves taking over two hours through desert, tundra and wasteland
Building trust and rapport with the partner force at remote dessert locations during the integration phase
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