Page 60 - Bugle Issue 19 Spring 2022
P. 60

On 3rd August 2021 at the parade night of the combined Batley and Mirfield Detachment of E (The Rifles) Company Yorkshire North and West Army Cadet Force adult instructors handed out Minden white roses for the cadets to wear in their berets in celebration of Minden Day which was on Saturday 1 August. Minden Day is
the Regimental Day of The King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, one of The Rifles’ antecedent Regiments.
After the cadets placed the white roses in their headdress SI Colin Cranswick explained the significance of the white rose and why it relates to the Battle of Minden in 1759, and why it is worn by the Rifles on Minden Day.
On 22 July 2021, E (Rifles) Company’s adults and cadets of Batley and Mirfield Detachments celebrated Salamanca Day, the Regimental Day, and commemorated the events of 22 July 1812 when Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington, carried out one of his most stunning victories over the French forces during the Peninsular War in Spain and Portugal.
The combined detachments of Batley and Mirfield celebrated this special day with a Sunset Parade. Their honoured guests
for the evening were SMI Terry Yates (the Company Serjeant Major of E Company), and Yorkshire N&W County RSM, RSMI Austin Butler, who is Rifles cap badged.
During the first part of the evening, the Regimental Serjeant Major and Company Serjeant Major toured the joint Detachment
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visiting the various lessons, including some band training under the instruction of SI Alex Shakespeare. For the second part of the evening, the Regimental Serjeant Major and Company Serjeant Major joined all the cadets and Cadet Force Adult Volunteers for a Regimental history lesson given by SI Colin Cranswick from the ACF Minden Band and Bugles, about why Salamanca Day is the Regimental Day of The Rifles.
After the Sunset Parade, the RSM praised the cadets for their hard work and conduct throughout the evening. He then went on thank the Detachment for their invitation.
As well as the visiting RSM and CSM, it was a pleasure for us to welcome some newly signed up cadets for their first parade night. What a significant way to mark their first evening with us.
 Minden Day Celebrations in Doncaster
Silver bugles sounded in Doncaster on Sunday 1st August as The Rifles, Light Infantry and KOYLI Association together with civic and serving military guests celebrated Minden Day, the Regimental Day of The King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry.
Minden Day started at Sir Nigel Gresley Square with a reception and
the unveiling of a plaque by Brigadier (Retd) Roger Preston to mark the official opening of The King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry Regimental Museum within the recently opened Danum Gallery, Library and Museum. Retired officers and soldiers of the KOYLI, including Mr Fred Adamson at 101 the oldest surviving member of the KOYLI, were joined at the reception by other official guests.
At the KOYLI Memorial in Elmfield Park guests and Association members were greeted by three Association Standard Bearers and five Minden House Buglers for a wreath laying service conducted by Reverend Andrew Martlew.
After the Last Post and
Reveille were sounded by the
Buglers, wreaths were laid in
remembrance of all fallen KOYLI
servicemen. Afterwards the
veterans were photographed
sporting their KOYLI socks.
Everyone then retired to the Earl of
Doncaster Hotel for a buffet lunch
where Certificates of Recognition
for exceptional service to the Association were presented by the Vice Lord Lieutenant of South Yorkshire. Ms Lynsey Slater was recognised for her outstanding work as curator of the KOYLI Collection, Mr Peter Bate for
over forty years of bugling services to the Association and Colonel (Retd) Gerry Delany for decades of support to the Association as a Trustee, Chairman of Branches and Chairman of the Pontefract Branch.

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