Page 62 - Bugle Issue 19 Spring 2022
P. 62
Lydiard Park (Swindon) Field of Remembrance
Escorted by the ACF Standards of the Swindon based Detachments, Army Cadets and Cadet Force Adult Volunteers from A (Ferozeshah) Company attended a service at the Lydiard Park Field of Remembrance. During the service,
Cdt Williams (One of our youngest cadets) along with a Royal British Legion veteran read out The Exhortation to the members of the public attending the service.
Cdt Sgt Gillooley a member of The Wiltshire Army Cadet Force, Corps of Drums & Bugles, played The Last Post and Rouse. Once again, our fantastic Army Cadets showing their respect and showing great acts of remembrance for our fallen.
Many of our Cadet Force Adult Volunteers (CFAVs) have previous Regular and/or Reserve Service. During this ceremony one such CFAV was touched to find a remembrance cross for an old friend from 1 RGBW, C/Sjt Kev Fortuna, 1 Rifles. Who was killed in Afghanistan in 2011.
A (Ferozeshah) Company
The Lord-Lieutenant is Her Majesty The Queen’s representative in the county. The present Lord- Lieutenant of Wiltshire is Mrs Sarah Rose Troughton.
On 21st October 2021. Cdt RSM Fay Giles and Cdt Cpl Max Gibbery were invested as HM Lord Lieutenant of Wiltshire’s Cadets, during The Wessex RFCA Ceremony. Unfortunately, Cdt Cpl Max
Gibbery was unable to attend as he was taking part in a Gold DoE Expedition with his school. His mother accepted the investiture certificate on his behalf.
Armistice Day
Lord-Lieutenant, Mrs Sarah Rose Troughton said “It was a pleasure to have Lord-Lieutenant Cadet RSM Fay Giles accompany me to the Swindon Cenotaph on Armistice Day “.
Lord-Lieutenant Mrs Sarah Rose Troughton and Cadet RSM Fay Giles
Mr Alan Fletcher and Cadet RSM Fay Giles who was invested as HM Lord Lieutenant of Wiltshire’s Cadet
C/Sjt Kev Fortuna
At the going down of the sun and in the morning. We will remember them
62 RIFLES The Bugle