Page 78 - Bugle Issue 19 Spring 2022
P. 78

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 The Big Picture
The Integrated Review (IR) rebalances the UK’s defence commitments around the government’s foreign policy goals whilst considering changes to the
future battlefield taking into account developments in artificial intelligence (AI), quantum computing and robotics.
Previously, it was felt that the Armed Forces were trying to do too much with too little and that as a nation we needed to identify our priorities. These renewed priorities could then be resourced better meaning that reduced commitments could be performed to a higher standard, with better kit and a revised ORBAT.
Other considerations, such as how the UK wants to position itself in the world after Brexit also came into play. Another aim of the IR is to allow our Armed Forces and Ministry of Defence (MOD) alongside the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office and intelligence services such as GCHQ to align with one another more effectively.
The outcome of this means that the Regular Army will be reduced from 82,000 to 73,000 and the Army Reserve will increase to 30,100 – meaning a standing force of just over 100,000.
What is Future Soldier?
Future Soldier sits within the IR. It is the innovation programme that spells out how the modernisation of the British Army will affect individual units and their troops. Future Solider is about delivering this ‘new look’ Army; making it a more lethal, agile and expeditionary force that is focused on future methodologies and not outdated ones.
 What Does It Mean For The Infantry
Whilst Infantry manpower is being reduced the structure will also change with four new divisions that include:
The Guards & Parachute Division – The Foot Guards and the Parachute Divisions will join to form one single Division, they will also have supporting responsibilities to 2 RANGERS
The Union Division – The Scottish Welsh and Irish Division will be joined by the Yorkshire Regiment to form the Union Division, they will also have supporting responsibilities to 1 RANGERS
The Queen’s Division – The existing Queen’s Division will joined by The Lancashire Regiment and Mercian Regiment, they will also have supporting responsibilities to 3 RANGERS
The Light Division – The Rifles and The Royal Gurkha Rifles will join to form one division, they will also have supporting responsibilities to 4 RANGERS
What it means for The Rifles
When we formed in February 2007, emphasis was given to ensuring the large regiment model would withstand future changes. As a result, we have come out
 of the IR in better shape than most other infantry regiments. It was inevitable that some impact would be felt, but ultimately we are at the forefront of the war fighting role and continue to play a key part in all of the defined infantry roles.
What Is Our New ORBAT?
All of our battalions have been affected
in some way with a change either in role, location or both in some cases. The timeline for these changes varies but the following provides the outline of the new look RIFLES battalions:
1st Battalion The Rifles - Light Role, Beachley Barracks, Chepstow. Transition
to new structure in Apr 22, will re-role to Light Mech. Move to Caerwent in 2028. Remain 7X, 1XX.
2nd Battalion The Rifles - Light Role, Thiepval Barracks, Lisburn. Transition to new structure in Dec 21, no change in role or location. Resubordinate to 4X, 1XX TBC 3rd Battalion The Rifles - Mech Inf, Dreghorn Barracks, Edinburgh. Transition to new structure in Oct 23, will re-role
to Security Force Assistance and subsequently move to Weeton Barracks, Blackpool in 2028. Resubordinate to
11X, 1XX TBC. SFA battalions will operate
78 RIFLES The Bugle
The Regular Army will be reduced from 82,000
to 73,000 and the Army Reserve will increase to 30,100 – meaning a standing force of just over 100,000

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