Page 35 - Simply Vegetables Spring 2025
P. 35

The Holdernesse
Did you know that the first
Holdernesse Trophy was gifted in
1969 for the winner of the large
Exhibition Shallot Class in the
National Championships. It’s a
beautiful trophy which has the
signatures of the various winners
etched on it.
In 1970, the Holdernesse Twin
trophy was gifted along with a sum
of money, from which an additional
cash prize was to be awarded, should
an exhibitor win both trophy’s at the
The second trophy, like most
others at the time, was moved
around from one veg type to another,
however back in 2007, all trophies
were each assigned to one veg type
which has assisted in providing an
improved history of winners. The
Holdernesse Twin became the Stump
Carrot Trophy.
From the time of the initial gifting
of the Holdernesse twin and the
additional cash prize, the feat of
winning both has only been achieved
twice; 1972 at Southport, by Mr R.
Jolleys and 2003 at Harrogate by Mr
Graeme Watson.
Records show that Graeme won
with Hative de Niort Shallots and
Gringo Stump Carrots (see photos).
So if you fancy getting your name
into the history books, why not have
a go at trying to win both classes
this year at Ayr and bag yourself that
extra £75 cash prize.
Free French Bean
Seed courtesy of
Marshalls Garden
The NVS is delighted that our members
are the recipients of a free packet of
French Bean seeds with this Magazine
thanks to the generosity of one of our
Major partners, Marshalls Garden. We
hope you enjoy them. Meanwhile, here’s
a few notes from Marshalls...
French Bean – Cobra (Climbing)
Marshalls Garden Climbing French Bean,
Cobra is a high yielding stringless bean
that looks great growing in your veg patch.
Grow this climbing French bean with
your runner beans to create a variety of
textures and flavours. It’s easy to grow
and produces masses of beautiful violet
flowers, followed by delicious, tender,
stingless beans. It can also be grown up
wigwams (grows to a hight of 1.8m for
fantastic flower border displays. You’ll
get masses of beans for weeks on end.
Enjoy huge crops of tender and tasty
beans of exceptional quality from August –
September. Great eaten fresh but also very
good for freezing. For more information visit
NVS Clothing
For your information, we have
three new clothing items available
via the Hockey Centre (website
society ). Please note that, for
your ease, the link to the hockey
centre website can also be found
on the NVS website within the
merchandise (clothing) section.
The three new items are a Hooded
Top, Quarter Zip Top and a Full Zip Top
(Different to the existing Fleece).
For your information, to enable the
Hockey Centre to provide the larger
range of items on offer, any NVS
orders are collated and processed on
a monthly basis, so please bear the
timescales in mind when ordering.
Below and some process notes.
Orders placed by NVS members
(“the customer”) via the Hockey
Centre website. Orders are collated
and order placed with their wholesaler
at the end of each month.
Goods would be delivered to the
Hockey Centre during the following
week (i.e. the start of the next month).
Goods would then be embroidered
and subsequently delivered to the
customer by the end of that month.
Example A if you placed an order
22nd Feb, you would receive your
order at the end of March (a total of 5
Example B If you placed an order on
3rd Feb, you would still receive your
order at the end of March (a total of 8
We are aware that there have been
some recent delivery and service
issues, and we apologise for any
disappointment. We are actively
working on this with the Hockey
Centre with a view to improve the
service and responses to orders in
additional to awareness of expected
timescales. Should you have any
questions regarding an order, please
use the following email address
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