Page 4 - Simply Vegetables Spring 2025
P. 4
Lady Chair’s Report. .............................................................................................................. 6
News from the Trustees .....................................................................................................7
Kelvin’s Comments. ................................................................................................................ 8
New Social Media Officer – Faisal Ali...................................................................... 8
From the Kitchen…. ................................................................................................................ 9
Maximising use of our raised bed. .............................................................................10
A Weekend to Remember. ...............................................................................................12
Melon and watermelon culture................................................................................... 14
Vegetable growing in Scotland. .................................................................................. 18
Winter Zoom Talks Series 2024/2025. .................................................................. 20
NAS – a judges view! . ....................................................................................................... 21
Letters & Poems....................................................................................................................22
Herbs. .............................................................................................................................................23
Growing my way with the AutoPot System. .......................................................27
Support your local gardening society’s annual shows. ............................. 31
Planting fruit in wet or freezing conditions. ........................................................32
National Championships 2025 – Ayr.....................................................................34
Fiona’s roundup. ....................................................................................................................34
What’s on. ...................................................................................................................................36
Role of NVS Chair. ...............................................................................................................36
Growing Globe Beetroot. ................................................................................................38
Growing grapevines and add a little flavour to your gardening. ........40
Growing salads in a small greenhouse..................................................................41
Soil regeneration. ...................................................................................................................42
Fruit growing in 1939. .........................................................................................................43
Seasonal jobs. ......................................................................................................................... 44
Scottish Branch. .........................................................................................50
Northern Branch. .......................................................................................54
Midland Branch. .........................................................................................60
Southern Branch. ....................................................................................... 62
Welsh Branch. .............................................................................................65
Irish News....................................................................................................66
This edition of Simply Veg
is supported by
AutoPot Global Ltd
Kitchen Garden and the National
Vegetable Society – together helping
the nation to grow better vegetables
The National Vegetable Society and the
publishers do not necessarily agree with
the views expressed by contributors
to this magazine and do not accept
any responsibility for any errors in
transmission in the subject matter of
this publication. All advertisements are
included in good faith and the publishers,
cannot therefore accept any responsibility
for any services offered by advertisers.
No part of this publication may be
reproduced without express written
permission. Anybody who supplies a
photograph to be used is responsible
for obtaining permission and release
statements from any person or item,
whose image appears on them. All prices
are correct at time of going to press but
may change without notice.
Published by Crest Publications,
12 Brooklands Court, Kettering
Parkway, Kettering Venture Park,
Kettering, Northants, NN15 6FD
01536 317000
We continue to see an increase in the use of Direct Debit or recurring card payment. (circa 1,480 members). We
would like to thank all who have done this so far as it helps lessen the workload for our Membership Secretaries
and treasurers going forward. We have also improved the membership system to enable members to update
their card details too for those who paid by card.
Is your email address up to date? Having an up-to-date email address means that we can potentially email
you with news, reminders and updates and it also means that any links for on-line events that you have booked
e.g. Zoom Talks, can be sent to you correctly. Please be careful when entering your email address to ensure
it is correct as we do still see some email addresses bounce which is unfortunate. Also, if you use a different,
but valid, email address, we end up with two entries for the same person, which we then need to correct and
merge manually.
If you do wish to receive emails, news and invites, as described above we do require you to tick the check
box for “news and updates” within your profile to enable us to do so. If you are not sure how to do this, please
just let me know and we can assist you.
The NVS does have an annual certificate of cover from the ICO (Information Commission Office), which
can protect its members from unauthorised contact by individuals and organisations acting without NVS
permission. Action can and will be taken against such activities on behalf of the member if required. The
Trustees are always seeking ways of reducing running costs of the Society and improving the services and
information provided to its members.
One such way is attracting on-line advertising from carefully screened, reputable and relevant companies
in the horticultural sector with paid for advertising in NVS media and also support of other activities through
sponsorship and partners.
Where such companies request reciprocal membership data for the purpose of direct mailing, the NVS will
not your details unless your consent has been given to do so.
A reminder for all members; please ensure that you help us maintain your correct data. If you change
address, telephone number, mobile or email address, please don’t forget let your membership secretary or
myself know Thank you. You now also have the ability to make these changes yourself online via our new
website Fiona Shenfield FNVS, General Secretary
4 Simply Vegetables