Page 6 - Simply Vegetables Spring 2025
P. 6

Lady Chair’s Report
At the time of writing this report storm
‘Eowyn’ had just hit Ireland and the UK.
Here in the Midlands, it wasn’t too bad.
All in all, I hope you are all coping with
this awful weather that has been thrown
on us over the winter months.
Thank goodness we don’t have to go out
in January now we have zoom talks in our
own front rooms. They have been very well
supported again this time. Raymond does a
good job sourcing our speakers every year,
and this year has been
no exception. He had
heard I was going to give
a talk to the Essex DA,
on ‘My Tunnel Growing’
so twisted my arm to
do it as one of our NVS
scheduled winter zoom
talks this year, I can
report that I have now
done it this week, my
nerves were terrible, I was worried I would
get my words all jumbled up and nobody
would understand me, but I think it went
really well. The photos on this page are
some from my talk.
The next few months sees the start of
my travels, but I must apologize to the
Scottish branch for not making it up their
branch seminar, last November due to
unforeseen circumstances. First sees the
Branches AGMs and although some are on
the same days, I am aiming to get to 3 of
them, all being well! Then, something new
and exciting, the Welsh Branch are holding
their first all-day seminar, they say it is an
unmissable gathering of NVS members,
growers, and anyone passionate about
growing top quality vegetables with a truly
fantastic line up of expert speakers each
sharing their insights and expertise. These
are something I would like to see more of
up and down the country for our members
to be able to get together.
I am also looking forward to doing
Countrytastic again at Malvern on
We will be planting
seeds doing quizzes
and so much more
to engage the kids
throughout the day
Tunnel growing
Thursday 17th April. One
of the region’s favourite
children’s events, a
fun-filled day of activities
designed especially for
primary aged children.
Get ready to get your
hands dirty, where this year’s theme is all
about exploring the journey of growth!
From digging deep into the soil to planting
seeds and watching them flourish, “Dig –
Plant – Grow” celebrates the wonders of
farming, gardening, and the natural world.
We will be planting seeds doing quizzes
and so much more to engage the kids
throughout the day. Join us as we dig in,
plant the seeds of knowledge, and grow a
passion for gardening!
The NVS has also been invited to attend
the Royal Three Counties Show, held on
the Three Counties Showground, Malvern.
A three-day show June 13th – 15th to
showcase the best of British farming,
food and the countryside. So, I will be
gathering a team of members together to
help represent the NVS. If any of you are
interested in helping in any way, please
don’t hesitate to contact me chair@nvsuk. An email broadcast will be sent out
nearer the date.
Details of both of these events can be
found on the NVS website.
The Trustees agreed that the Inter-
Branch trug competition should be
held again this year at the National
Championships, Ayr and after the last
Midlands Branch committee meeting my
husband Mark informed me that he had
volunteered his services to do it again
this year for the Midlands. Whilst on the
subject of the National Championships can
I remind you of the new class for ‘x 5 Globe
Beetroot’ and that the Show is on Friday
and Saturday. The Show Schedules will be
included in your next issue of SV in July.
Finally, at the last Trustees meeting in
January, I informed the Trustees that at this
year’s (2025) National AGM to be held at
Ayr I would not be seeking re-election for
the role of Chair. I have sat on the board
of Trustees since April 2012, firstly as a
Midlands Branch representative until I
became the NVS ‘s first ever Lady Chair in
2018. I have enjoyed every minute of my
7 years as Chair and have been bought
out of my comfort zone more than once,
believe me! But I feel, personally, that I have
now reached the limit of my abilities, and
that it is time for someone else to continue
keeping the NVS moving forward. Never
fear though, I am not leaving the country, I
will still be around and meet you all at the
shows etc. and I am keeping on a few of
the behind-the-scenes roles.
Brassicas Leeks
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