Page 59 - Simply Vegetables Spring 2025
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either knew or had met previously. There’s
been some brilliant talks, exchanges of
knowledge, top amateur and professional
growers over the years. It became our
annual tradition and short break in Wales
thereafter. Our personal thanks and that of
Lancs DA to Medwyn, Gwenda, Alwyn and
all at Medwyns for all their hard work over
the years with the Master Class Weekend
and promotion of all things horticultural.
At the 2024 weekend, Raymond
Higgins, NVS Vice-Chair; was mentioned/
suggested for carrying on the weekend. I
offered to help if I could – no idea how but
the offer was there. Michele Thomas also
offered to help out. Raymond recently got
in touch, and we had an online meeting
with Medwyn to discuss how the weekend
could continue and mechanics of it all. So
please keep an eye out for
any comms from either of us
and a call out for help – any
help and support would be
much appreciated. It’s a big
task ahead.
The DA have been
invited by NVS Member,
Andrew Clark; Deputy Head
of Chorley St James CE
Primary School to Let’s Get
Growing 2025. The event is
on 29 January and looks to
be another cracking event
with 13 schools signed up to visit with
around 60 children visiting. There will be
British Fuchsia Society, National Vegetable
Society, Northern Auricula Society, National
Sweet Pea Society, The Bee Centre,
Chorley Gardening Society, Astley Hall
Walled Gardeners, Robinsons Seeds, LEAF
Education and sponsorship from First
The work
which has
gone into it is
and been a
real labour of
Tunnels, Chiltern Seeds, Hillview Hardy
Plants, Thomas Etty Esq.. Lets hope the
event captures the imagination and interest
of the next generation of
The DA are hoping to
exhibit again at Chorley
Flower Show. It will be
25 – 27 July. Unfortunately,
the Show Team is ever
diminishing, and we
desperately need new
people to help out and keep
our presence out there,
promote the NVS, encourage
membership and to be an
educator, sharer of growing
knowledge. You don’t have to be an NVS
Member to join in.
Besides the NVS, I’m involved with
various other horticultural themed groups
and projects in and around Accrington.
Extremely proud to have been heavily
involved with instigating the redesign of
the Accrington Pals Memorial Garden on
Church St, Accrington and a sculpture
designed by Chelsea Gold Medal winner
John Everiss
The sculpture was fabricated at
Fitzpatrick’s in nearby Nelson. The work
which has gone into it is phenomenal and
been a real labour of love by John and
the Fitzpatrick’s team. We had an official
opening and rededication service on 21
September. The sculpture has attracted a
lot of attention from far and wide.
There are plans for another sculpture
designed by John in a second location in
Accrington Town Centre which will see
renovation of a tired and dated little “pocket
park.” Making it a much more pleasant
place in the town centre for people to enjoy.
Cath Holmes, Chair
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