Page 24 - RADC 2017
P. 24

Capt Caroline Glauch, RADC
As 2016 drew to a close a small contingent of RADC personnel conducted Ex NORDIC SERPENT (Ex NS), in Gålå, Norway. This formed part of the latter stages of the AMS Nordic Ski Camp and although most of us were usually alpine skiers, we switched our standard skis for toothpicks and we were taken on a ‘zero to hero’ crash course in the art form of Nordic skiing. (I did actually crash quite effectively!!!). As Ex NS was only a week in duration it was easily accessible for a broad rank range of both Regular and Reserve personnel.
Nordic ski events have a well-established military connection with Norwegian ski mounted regiments organising ski races as far back as the 18th century. Also known
as cross-country skiing, there are several disciplines within Nordic skiing, developed to assist in the successful traverse of varied terrain, distance and snow conditions. The skier is mounted on a pair of skinny skis with just the toes connected in order to allow
for the generation of forward movement when gravity does not assist. Combined with extra-long poles for balance and push, coordination is critical and this form of skiing develops fitness, precision, balance and teamwork.
Contrary to popular belief Nordic skiing isn’t just about skiing on the flat, there are significant uphill sections designed to sap the strength from your legs, before downhill sections that need to be negotiated with jelly legs for added excitement. Although this may sound very tiring it does mean that the energy expenditure is such that afterwards
one can eat as much cake as possible guilt free!
Staying in the most luxurious chalet that the Army could provide, the trainee cross country skiers took to the tracks and as the week progressed the novices developed from looking like something akin to Bambi on ice to being proficient enough to tackle both the skate and classic disciplines.
A particular highlight was completing a 25km trek through the stunning Norwegian scenery.
The week culminated in a 4 by 5km
relay race on a BASI approved (read mountainous) course. The sub-zero temperatures which seeped in to each RADC skier as they awaited their turn meant that motivation and team work were critical. Fortunately, morale and team spirit were
in abundance and the RADC competitors pushed their newly gained classic and skate skills to the limit. Merely completing the course was a significant achievement and the RADC team not only managed this but did so with style.
Ex NS was an amazing opportunity to spend a week learning a new discipline in a genuine winter wonderland. Looking forward to the 2017 season. Neon and Lycra optional.
4x5km Relay Team
     22 RADC BULLETIN 2017

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