Page 28 - RADC 2017
P. 28

London and South East MATTS Week
SSgt Leon, RADC and Cpl Chance, RADC
ATC Pirbright has become the home of our annual MATTS for LSE Region. We all rv’d
at the Dental Centre for our usual meet and greet, followed by a quick pit stop for coffee/ water before descending into the abyss of the PTI’s realm for the “dreaded PFA”. Even though the build up to the PFA is always terrifying (I don’t know why as it’s only a run), everyone completed it relatively easily. Maj Gibbs finished in an impressive 8 min 5 sec and WO2 Blackwood punched into the elite 300 club, great results across the board!
We then plunged into the next activity with bursting enthusiasm - the weapon handling test, which was successfully completed by everyone. The day’s activities climaxed with casualty evacuation simulation.
We were on the ranges the next day. Cpl Chance, being an ex-Infanteer, was keen to let off a few rounds down range, however, to his surprise, the best grouping went to a fellow Corps member, Cpl Gurung, which shows “We’re not just dental”.
The following day taught us Values and Standards along with the security brief highlighting a few social media scares to the team. A good dose of CS gas was to follow in the afternoon to “Calm the Nerves” which placed us in good stead for the final hurdle, NOT!!! Apparently, the canister change drill didn’t go down to well with some of my colleagues.
The local pub was graced with our presence on Thursday evening for a well- deserved meal and a “few cold ones” and this was welcomed by everyone. The PDO congratulated everyone on their efforts and we all departed in good order as per normal. The AFT came fast and furious on Friday with a relentless pace and some gruelling hills. The exhaustion was felt by everyone but we came out the other side 2 hrs later with our heads held high and with a feeling of accomplishment.
Overall, we performed above and beyond the expected standard and this was reiterated throughout the week by the DS.
Well done Team LSE “We’re not just Dental”
Few minutes before “H” hour
We’re not only good at taking out teeth, the targets below can vouch to it!!!
  Cpl Gurung seems more interested in the picture than the brief...”Nice pose nevertheless”
   26 RADC BULLETIN 2017
Col Davies’ Happy face after having a good dose of CS
LCpl Marcus fresh out the Chamber in good order, NOT!!!

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