Page 38 - RADC 2017
P. 38
London and South East Team Building Day
Maj Sophie Walters, RADC
In August, L&SE region wound down to summer leave with a morning of lectures at ATC Pirbright, followed by a team building afternoon at TopGolf Surrey.
The morning started with a talk from WO1 Dufty on equipment care and procurement of dental kit. After further coffee and biscuits, the morning finished with a MODNET update, ensuring we are all ready for the imminent migration.
SSgt Leon organised the L&SE Region photograph mid-morning with the ATC Pirbright photographer, which was fitting as the region merged with South Region a few weeks later.
The afternoon team building event, organised by Cpl Gooding-Edghill, was held at TopGolf driving range in Surrey.
The region was randomly split into golfing bays to get people socialising, and with
a short demonstration how to hit a golf
ball everyone threw themselves into the competition with gusto! With roving drinks waitresses, heat lamps and food being served in the bays this was not the average golfing experience, but great fun was had
by all! Prizes were awarded to Major Fiona Welborn for top score overall, with Dr Veron a close second. Squadron Leader Iain McGarthy was awarded the prize for the longest drive, whilst Cpl Brown, Cpl Chance, LDN Seymour, Ms Sera Poon and Sgt Hooman jointly won the prize for nearest to hole. SSgt Leon was considered the most aggressive player, whilst Ms Sera Poon won the wooden spoon!