Page 53 - RADC 2017
P. 53
Tae Kwon Do
LCpl Sydney Lewis, RADC
I have been doing Tae Kwon Do for three years now, I first got involved with the sport following an SJAR that recommended I joined some sort of club outside of the military to build my confidence.
The sport has helped me in many ways such as confidence building, flexibility and physical fitness. Tae Kwon Do is not all about fighting however; there is a lot
of discipline involved with the sport, and there is a need to learn Korean history
and terminology in order to gain an understanding of the various patterns/katas and what they represent.
I recently passed a belt grading and I am now a red belt in the sport. As I am classed
as a senior belt in my club I regularly teach both adults and children, who wear an equivalent belt or lower, and this also helps me to develop myself in the sport. All going well, it should take me another 1 1⁄2 years before I will be able to achieve a black belt.
I have already entered a few competitions and won medals and trophies. I entered the British Championships at the end of last year and walked away with a bronze medal in Team Sparing. Now I plan to try and join the Army Tae Kwon Do team so that I can represent the military in the sport.
I would recommend learning a martial art to anyone as there are many benefits to be gained and it is never too late to join and give it a go.
RADC Regimental Events 2018
The Regimental Secretary has provided a brief overview of key regimental events over the coming year.
Founders Day
Royal Hospital Chelsea
This colourful event takes place annually in early June at RH Chelsea.
A full account of the day was published in last year’s edition of the RADC Bulletin.
In recent years the Corps has been allocated a very limited number of tickets (normally 2) for this event and demand has historically outweighed supply making a ticket ballot necessary.
It is expected that the Corps ticket allocation will be the same for 2018 and this will again necessitate a ticket ballot.
Anyone wishing to be entered for the ticket ballot should ensure that they have notified RHQ by absolutely no later than Friday 16 March 2018 and, in order to maximise distribution and attendance, should be prepared to accept allocation of a single ticket.
Field of Remembrance
The opening of The Field of Remembrance at St Margaret’s Churchyard, Westminster Abbey, will take place on Thursday 8th November 2018 – where the Representative Colonel Commandant and the Honorary Colonel Commandant will place wreaths on the RADC Corps plot prior to the official opening ceremony.
Admission is by ticket only and the ceremony is followed by an RADC lunch for all those in attendance.
RHQ bids for a number of tickets on an annual basis and is normally given a limited allocation of around 25 -30.
Anyone wishing to be considered for attendance at either the
Field of Remembrance ceremony only or The Field of Remembrance Ceremony and Lunch should notify RHQ by absolutely no later than 5th October 2018.
Personnel considering attendance should note that as this is an RBL event it does not attract public funding and as such Travel and Subsistence costs are to be met personally.
The luncheon is traditionally held in The Army and Navy Club “The Rag” and normally requires a contribution of around £45 from those opting to attend.
RADC Turning of Page
The ceremony of Turning of The Page takes place quarterly at The National Memorial Arboretum (NMA).
The ceremony is to honour those members of the ADC and RADC who have given their lives in the service of their country and is performed by a small ceremonial party of the RADC.
2018 Dates:
Wednesday 7th March at NMA Wednesday 6th June at NMA
September date and venue TBC once Corps weekend details have been finalised
Wednesday 5th December at NMA. Spectators are most welcome at these events
Please ensure that you contact RHQ on 01276 412753 to confirm “up to date” Information and that no changes have taken place before travelling to the venue