Page 67 - RADC 2017
P. 67
Sgt Burke, RADC
“I passed the Kayak 2 star foundation course, which involved learning new skills and techniques, starting on the lake and then eventually moving on to a Grade 2 river. I found this challenging and out of my comfort zone, but I persevered and finally started to enjoy it. Over the 8 days of kayaking we paddled a total of 63km.”
...both the dental girls caught him up as he was driving like Miss Daisy!
not to mention everyone was very exhausted from the previous days of AT. However,
as everyone knew, it wouldn’t be AT if all weren’t pushed out of our comfort zone!! One small concession was that we were allowed on the chair lifts up to the trees rather than a walking up the hill. Once we were up in the trees it was very enjoyable and everyone started to relax. Our favourite area was called ‘flying foxes’, which was a course of zip wires from tree to tree. LCpl Gaylor became known as ‘Crazy legs’ as she kept kicking her legs to try and slow
herself down!
On the way down we went on the
toboggan, which is like a car on metal wires, and you have a lever to make yourself go faster or slower. LCpl Gaylor was nervous
at first as this was her first time, but as soon as she got down to the bottom she wanted to go again. Sgt Burke was in front of L/Cpl Gaylor, with OC 29
Regt RLC ahead of her - both the dental girls caught him up as he was
driving like Miss Daisy! He duly responded with “you Crazy Dental!”
In the evenings we visited the local swimming pool, and we made use of the saunas and salt baths to relax our aching muscles. The outdoor pool was lovely and
it overlooked the mountains which were still capped with snow. On occasion we also ate
out at the local Pizzeria restaurant - the pizzas were huge, the size of dustbin lids, but lovely. Our eyes were bigger than our bellies!
All in all it was a fulfilling 2 weeks of AT. We met some great people and
it was good to mix with different regiments and cap badges. We feel very
fortunate to have been given this fantastic opportunity, and we would recommend anyone to put their names down for any sort of AT that is offered.
Sgt Burke on top of the world
Sgt Burke and her Kayak