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 APC Update – RADC Soldiers
Capt Danny Austin RAMC, SO3 Medical Support Soldiers
As I come to the end of my time as the RADC Career Manager (CM) I am pleased to report that a lot of the recurring themes and issues that were highlighted when I took over have
been addressed. Whilst still prevalent, there has been a vast improvement especially when it comes to understanding the criteria for promotion and the importance of CLM.
I have been extremely encouraged by the amount of soldiers
who are investing in their own career management but also of their subordinates. Promotion remains the benchmark for any soldier to aspire to so it is still disappointing that some soldiers still miss out on boards because of a lack of education on what is required to be eligible on a promotion board; please ensure that you know when you are in zone for promotion and exactly what the criteria is, then as long as your SJARs are delivered on time with the required positive recommendations, you give yourself the best opportunity possible to be successful at that promotion board.
CLM – 2017DIN07-024 JNCO, SNCO & WO Command, Leadership and Management (CLM) Part 3 Courses 2017/18 This DIN gives clear direction and policy with regards to the criteria and the priorities that are given for CLM; therefore, it still causes great concern that there are so many soldiers who don’t know
the process or who choose to ignore it. The CoC must also have situational awareness of when their soldiers must complete their CLM iot prepare them in the higher rank. There are too many instances of soldiers getting taken off CLM courses because an “Exercise” or “Deployment” was more important; that may well be the case sometimes but there must be a plan in place so that the soldier is not disadvantaged in any way.
Ultimately, it is your responsibility to ensure that you complete your CLM within the required timelines. It is also vitally important when you have completed your CLM that it is recorded on JPA, you must check this and ensure that the dates are correct. The table below illustrates the CLM requirements; if you have any doubts about CLM, advice should be sought from your RCMO in the first instance or by the CRSM and finally myself.
 Promotion To
To be Eligible for Promotion Board
To Promote to Substantive Rank
LCpl Nil
Sgt JNCO CLM Part 3 (AEC)
WO2 Nil
Literacy & Numeracy Level 2 SNCO CLM Part 1 (SMQC)
Literacy & Numeracy Level 2 WO CLM Part 1 (WOMQC)
Literacy & Numeracy Level 1 JNCO CLM Part 1 (JMQC)
WO CLM Part 3 (AEC)
Eligibility for Soldier Promotion. I continue to receive numerous telephone calls regarding eligibility for promotion. Aside from CLM courses and Literacy & Numeracy qualifications, as mentioned previously, soldiers are eligible for board if they have the
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          74 RADC BULLETIN 2017

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