Page 77 - RADC 2017
P. 77
Substantive Rank
SJAR due date
To APC by
Time in rank
Latest Seniority Date
Date of Promotion Board
Promotion Year
30 Sep 17
30 Nov 17
3 years
31 Sep 14
SSgt – WO2 – Jan 18
1 Apr 18 – 31 Mar 19
31 Jan 18
31 Mar 18
2 years
30 Sep 16
Cpl – Sgt – May 18
1 Oct 18 – 30 Sep 19
31 May 18
31 Jul 18
1 year
30 Sep 17
Pte – LCpl – Sep 18
1 Oct 18 – 30 Sep 19
Table 1
WO2 30 Jun 17 Sgt 30 Nov 17 LCpl 31 Mar 18
31 Aug 17 31 Jan 18 31 May 18
2 years 3 years 2 years
31 Mar 15 31 Mar 14 30 Sep 16
WO2 – WO1 – Nov 17 Sgt – SSgt – Mar 18 LCpl - Cpl – Jul 18
1 Apr 18 – 31 Mar 19 1 Apr 18 – 31 Mar 19 1 Oct 18 – 30 Sep 19
requisite seniority in rank at the start of the promotion year, a positive recommendation for promotion on their most recent SJAR and twelve months residual service at the beginning of the promotion year. See table 1 above for details of the eligibility for the 2017/18 promotion boards:
Rules for DN promotion. 2015DIN01-211 Promotion Rules for RADC DN released 1 Sep 17 sets out the new policy regarding Dental Nurse Promotion rules and rectifies the previous DINs shortfalls.
Soldier Assignment Preference Proforma (APP) – The purpose of the APP is to give APC and your Career Manager
sight of where you would like to be assigned to, the type
of employment you would wish to be considered for and any additional circumstances, both domestic and professional, which you feel are appropriate as it enables your Career Manager to make an informed decision about your future.
When submitting your APP, please be mindful that your Career Manager has many factors to consider when deciding on your next assignment, the first and foremost of these considerations will be your career profile followed by the operational need. Give us options, both in terms of location and employment; it would be useful if you informed us whether the type of job you want is more important than the location or vice versa.
Versatile Engagement (VEng) Conversion 2017DIN01-109
The Versatile Engagement (VEng) was introduced as a new type of engagement on 1 Jan 08. Since its inception, the majority of new recruits have entered Service on a VEng (Short) engagement.
VEng consists of 3 stages:
a. Short - a career of 12 years;
b. Full - a career of 24 years, and; c. Long - a career of 30 years.
In order to sustain future structures, the Department of Manning (Army) (DM(A)) calculates the number of conversions each
Capbadge has per year, known as ‘quotas’. Based on these quotas and the Service need, personnel with the requisite Knowledge,
Skills, Experience (KSE) and potential may be formally offered the opportunity to continue their Service by ‘converting’ onto the next length of engagement. Acceptance of an offer of conversion provides extended job security and allows soldiers the potential to reach certain pension points. It also allows soldiers greater opportunity to promote through the ranks in competition with their peers. A soldier will remain on their current engagement unless they formally accept an offer to convert to another engagement to which they are eligible.
The VEng conversion process is based on an ‘offer and
accept’ system, rather than individuals being required to apply for conversions. The RCMO / Chain of Command is to complete Part 1 of AF B6848D, ensuring all details, including the ‘offer cut-off date’ are accurately recorded. The AF B6848D is handed to the soldier as the Formal Offer. The soldier and the RCMO / Chain of Command are required to sign the declaration at Part 2 confirming that an offer has been received. Once the declaration is signed by both parties, the form is then to be copied twice: the original is to be kept by the individual, one copy is to be retained within the individual’s unit P File and one copy is to be forwarded to the relevant Career Manager.
Currently, the Army is offering automatic conversion from VEng (Short) to VEng (Full) to RADC DN provided they meet the following criteria:
• Substantive Cpl – WO1 (LCPLs are Board and Offer)
• CMT Class 1
• Minimum SJAR OPG of B
• Meets the minimum medical retention standard (MLD)
Senior Soldier Continuity Posts (SSCP). Service in a SSCP allows the Regular Army to retain high quality WOs and SNCOs whose knowledge, skills and experience would otherwise be lost. Employment in a SSCP on VEng (Long) offers the prospect of further service up to Normal Retirement Age (NRA), although service to NRA should not be expected as an entitlement. Employment is subject
to the availability of post, and the soldier remaining fit, efficient, effective, and able to serve worldwide for permanent employment at E2.
Key points:
• Applications to serve on the SSCP can be submitted from 24 months before the soldier’s Engagement Expiry Date (EED). As a minimum, applications should be submitted to MS7 by April for employment from August in the same year through to July in the following year.
• The minimum Medical Category for SSCP employment is MLD(P). • Ideally, soldiers who successfully apply for SSCP service should
have broad ranging Knowledge, Skills and Experience (KSE). However, there are a number of SSCP assignments such as GSM/ RSM/CSM, welfare staff and G4 posts where previous experience is desirable and in some appointments essential.
• SSCP soldiers will normally serve between three to four years at a time in each SSCP assignment on an initial engagement which takes them to 30 years’ reckonable service from their date of entlistment into the Regular Army.
• Authorised extensions beyond 30 yrs service will normally be granted for periods of 3 years at a time, and may continue
until NRA. Offers of extensions in service are affiliated to the assignment for which the soldier has been selected by the No.7 SSCP Board.
• SSCP soldiers who continue to serve will be in receipt of the ‘X’ factor and applicable allowances accordingly. However, soldiers will be unable to draw any part of their pension until they leave the service.
For further information or advice on how to apply for an SSCP please visit the following page on the MS web: Organisations/Orgs/msweb/Pages/SSCP.aspx
RADC soldiers leaving the Service:
I would like to personally wish the following soldiers all the best for the future as they leave the service over the next twelve months.
• WO2 HYDE: Nov 18
• SSGT MEAR: Jul 18
• LCpl Kelly: Nov 17
• LCpl VAN RENSBURG: Jan 18 • LCpl Ward: Feb 18
• LCpl BUERDSELL: Jan 18
Congratulations to WO1 CRSM Drapier, WO2 Blackwood and SSGT Slade-Jones, all of whom have been successful at commissioning. Miss Drapier and Miss Blackwood will take up Captain Appointments in the AMS while Staff Slade-Jones moves to the AGC as a Detachment Commander, a very well done to all three of you.
I have fully enjoyed my time as your Career Manager and I hope
I have gone some way to improving things for the soldiers in the RADC. Captain Trudy Johnson takes over the reins in March 18. I wish her the best of luck “she will need it”.