Page 33 - QDG Vol. 9 No. 2 CREST
P. 33

                                 1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards 31
  Welfare Team
    When units deploy on operations the Welfare Team needs to be in a position support the triumvirate of the deployed force, the wider Regiment and all of the dependants. This was crucial with C Sqn deployed on oper- ations and A Sqn (with RHQ) shortly about to depart also.
The year has seen personalities change in the Welfare Department: Capt Trevor Homer moved to the MTO role straight into a busy PDT schedule before deploying to Mali. He handed over to Capt Gareth Pearce who assumed the UWO role in June. The welfare continuity and corporate knowledge which is vital in any role remained with newly promoted Sgt Maj John Hinton handing UWSNCO over to Sgt Kevin Young who returned from an SQMS role at CJSU out in sunny Cyprus. LCpl John Bernard has also continued to ensure the PRI stock and welfare facilities are readily available during the two appointment changes.
It has never been so important to promote a community ethos and the Welfare Team have strived to achieve this by engaging with the families and community and ensuring where possible local amenities were still accessible, despite challenges due to the COVID 19 pandemic. The focal point of the community being the Dragon’s Den and soft play area, which has seen an abundance of events held over the past year, from charity coffee mornings/cake sales, mother and baby groups, kids tea for the deployed families and numerous children’s birthday parties.
Throughout the year the Welfare Team have also organised seasonally themed activities and events. Some of which consisted of:
Easter, when the Welfare Officer was definitely not dressed as the Easter Bunny! But the Welfare Team delivered an Easter Egg Hunt for all
Families flock to listen to the CO
The Norfolk gene pool is shallow
the children of Robertson Barracks, which was very kindly supported by Dereham Tesco who donated the eggs.
And it was no ordinary Easter Egg Hunt, as it had to comply with Government guidelines. The team used their initiative and with a technical twist, eggs were placed strategically around camp
Two happy customers
children and young people attending and enjoying time with their friends and families.
Christmas 2021 saw the Welfare Team organising the children’s Christmas party and a Christmas panto (Aladdin) delivered by The British Forces Federation panto bus. We were lucky enough to be selected by
  with a QR code, which provided an anagram and once all the words to the puzzle were complete, the children could collect their prize from the Easter Bunny. The activity was a real success allowing the community to get out during the difficult period.
Some exciting news saw our RBSM Youth Club re-open in September. This has provided hours of entertainment and activities for the children and a safe place for them to come and play.
Easter, when the Unit Welfare Officer was definitely not dressed
as the Easter Bunny!
the Little Troopers charity who donated some 250 bears for our deployed soldiers’ children, as well as activity packs that were sent out by post or hand delivered by the Welfare Team. There was then a trip to Roarr Dinosaur Adventure Park where families enjoyed a “Santa’s workshop” as wellasafundayoutatthe theme park. Concurrently to the busy Christmas period in conjunction with the QDG Associa- tion and volunteers the
Four young people from the Queen’s Dragoon Guards attended a residential course which was set over five days and four nights, where young people’s skills in climbing, high ropes and assault course were put to the test, with 56 other young people from across the East. It was a great opportunity for children with a serving military parent to get together and share their experiences of military life.
October half term week was a great success with Sarah Coote (the CDW) organising some great activ- ities, starting with coached football sessions run by Norwich City Commu- nity Sports Foundation, then later in the week, pumpkin carving and craft sessions, finishing off with the grand finale: a Halloween children’s party at the Dragon’s Den. Great numbers for Halloween week with well over 100
Welfare Team played a key role in collecting and distributing over 130 Christmas Hampers to the families of the deployed soldiers. With the distri- bution areas being split between the RCA and the Regimental Engage- ment Team, the Welfare Team took the remainder in the Norfolk area. The 2021 year ended with the RBSM Community Christmas function providing the wives and spouses an opportunity to get out and socialise whilst enjoying great food and a festive drink down at the local venue Darby’s.
It has been a challenging but great year for QDG Welfare Team and everyone who supports us daily. We look forward to welcoming the Regiment back in 2022 and contin- uing to support all our soldiers and their families.

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