Page 34 - QDG Vol. 9 No. 2 CREST
P. 34

                                 32 1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards
     Who recovers the recoverers? I’d pay a civvy thousands to do this instead of me
    If you don’t inspect them they stay green on JAMES
 Anyone know how to fix this thing?
1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards LAD have had a high-tempo year in prepa- ration for, and deployment on, Op NEWCOMBE 2 and 3 in support of The United Nations Multidimensional Inte- grated Stabilisation Mission
month-long deployment in Cyprus. Shortly after returning to the UK from Cyprus,elementsofASqnFitterSection deployed once more, this time in support of Ex RATTLESNAKE in Louisiana, USA for two months. A mixture of dismounted and mounted training, the LAD got to experience how to survive in a swampy, humid envi- ronment, how to operate in American vehicles and how the US Army conducts
Equipment Support.
With C Sqn Fitter Section
deployed the LAD had a large reshuffle, as well as having many people posted out in quick succession. SSgt Shinn took control of both remaining fitter sections and they all worked extremely hard to get the training fleet ready for A Sqn
to begin pre deployment training for Op NEWCOMBE 3.
Being the closest geographical REME unit to Thetford training area, the LAD has
    in Mali (MINUSMA). This has included Ex GAO EAGLE in Cyprus, Ex RATTLESNAKE in Louisiana, USA, and Op NEWCOMBE Pre-Deploy- ment Training (PDT).
With one Sqn deploying on Op NEWCOMBE ROTO 2, and the Regiment leading the Long Range Reconnais- sance Group (LRRG) for Op NEWCOMBE ROTO 3, the LAD has been spread across the world to complete its mission and deliver ES Effect over the last year.
In January 21, C Sqn
Fitter Section started PDT
for Op NEWCOMBE 2 while successfully keeping an aging and neglected fleet operational. At the same time A Sqn Fitter Section deployed on Ex GAO EAGLE, a
We were also called upon to assist in the recovery of a helicopter that had emergency landed in a carrot field
What’s the policy on denial again?
been frequently called upon to support various units that are exercising in the area. Cpl Brown deployed on a Sunday to recover a recovery vehicle that had become immobile on the training area and assisting the Infantry Battle School on numerous occasions. We were also called upon to assist in the recovery of a helicopter that had emergency landed in a carrot field near Ipswich, much to the farmer’s annoyance as he was in the middle of harvesting the crop.
In summer A Sqn and HQ fitter sections went into full pre deployment mode, whilst, like C Sqn Fitter Section, attempting to keep a neglected and

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