Page 44 - QDG Vol. 9 No. 2 CREST
P. 44

1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards
  Even Sgt Maj McKinnon managed
to last an hour before sleeping in a chesterfield!
  WOs’ and Sgts’ Mess
The WOs’ and Sgts’ Mess began the year by bidding farewell to the previous RSM, Mr Homer, and welcoming in the current RSM, Mr Chant. Capt Homer has been agreatfigureheadthroughouthistenure and kept the Mess in good order during a very turbulent time, managing Covid 19 rules and restrictions. As a Mess, we wish both Capt Homer and his family all the very best for the future and
was cancelled
on us, we still
managed to have
an impromptu
Waterloo dinner
night to mark
the occasion on the 5th
August. The hours put in previously ensured the night ran as smoothly as
Welsh slate
The RSM Hosting
      thank him for all the good times that have been shared. I would also like to thank my predecessor, the RQ(T) Mr Ruddy, for a brilliant hand over. His hard work, drive and attention to detail has put the Mess in a great place and set the conditions to move forward. With Covid 19 now starting to dissi- pate, we can begin to move forward as a Mess and plan some good activity for 2022.
...our hands were tied and we had no room for manoeuvre
possible, but unfortunately with the Covid Force Health Protection (FHP) measures thrusted upon us, we were not allowed to celebrate in the usual manner. Due to these FHP measures, we were not able to play the usual cricket and rugby matches as the risk was deemed too high. We were hugely disappointed due to the amount of effort put in by all Mess Members, but our hands were tied and we
The initial big-ticket item in the FOE was Waterloo 207. The planning for this began in May and although the original date
had no room for manoeuvre.
This year’s Waterloo dinner night was
unlike any previous and was massively
Wine tasting

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