Page 43 - QDG Vol. 9 No. 2 CREST
P. 43

                                 no theme and the Livers In
spent a furiously busy two
weeks getting it ready. The
highlights were the Royal
Yeomanry Band, who deliv-
ered a fantastic Quartet performance at the drinks
reception followed by an
exceptional performance
during dinner. Changing
the tempo a little, a more contemporary band then
struck up in the ballroom
with dancing going on into the small hours.
The highlight this year for the remainder of the Mess (Sorry B Sqn) was the deployment to Mali on Opera- tion NEWCOMBE ROTO 3. This served as a reminder that though we may enjoy all the finery and fun the Mess has to offer, we also have a role to play in UN Peacekeeping and ensuring the British Army continues to be held in such high regard by other nations. HQ and A Sqn
The Mess will continue to live on out in Mali
1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards
   Mess didn’t even notice the difference. September was the shining light on the horizon with the Summer Ball due to go ahead on the 11th after a year’s hiatus. Breaking from tradition, there was
officers left a skeleton crew of B Sqn and returning C Sqn officers at home and flew out to Mali in November to begin the handover from 2 Royal Anglians,
developing it during our tenure. Luckily, we need only look back to 1942, to the KDG and Queen’s Bays of North Africa for some pedigree and precedent which should stand us in good stead for the coming months. The Mess will continue to live on out in Mali with 22 officers deployed, safe in the knowledge that B & C Sqns are holding the fort for a grand reunion in June 2022.
the Transfer of Authority on 1st Dec 21. Working along- side numerous nations, QDG now have the enormous responsibility of taking on the Long Range Reconnais- sance Group, improving and
  Country Life rejects

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