Page 77 - QDG Vol. 9 No. 2 CREST
P. 77

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    These GGHG-led courses included TAPV Gunnery with its Remote Weapons System (RWS), Armoured Crew Commander (ACC), Armoured Recon- naissance Troop Leader (ARTL) & Troop Warrant’s course, and the Direct Fire Instructor Gunner (DFIG) course. The fact that the GGHG were permitted to run these centrally controlled courses outside of the Armour School is a testa- ment to the strength and skill of the Regiment and its soldiers.
For a brief period, the public health posture also allowed the Regiment to resume a few limited public duties with the Band and the Cavalry including the Queen’s Plate and Remembrance Day.
In 2022 The Governor General’s Horse Guards will commemorate 200 years of continuous and continuing service to
Canada. Throughout these 200 years, the Regiment has been proud of the connections to our Allied Regiments, like the Welsh Cavalry, 1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards.

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