Page 88 - QDG Vol. 9 No. 2 CREST
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                                86 1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards
   Officers’ Regimental Dinner
    This year due to the physical Cavalry Memorial Parade being cancelled and the uncertainty of dates due to Covid restric- tions it was decided to hold the Officers’ Family Drinks and Regimental Dinner later in the year on the 18th November. The Dinner was attended by 71 officers, past and present - good numbers considering that most of the serving officers were deployed on Op NEWCOMBE 2 or away training ready for 3, and that even up to an hour before numbers were dropping due to positive LFT and PCR tests. As usual the food was outstanding, the company excellent and Ollie Larminie ensured that all had a glass of Regimental port to toast C Sqn’s achievements during their tour and RHQ, HQ Sqn and A Sqn success on their forthcoming tour. Those who dined are listed below:
Mr E Barham, Mr J Coleman, Mr N Lykke Dahn, Mr A Clay, Capt Hansen, Lt Col Brace, Mr C Robinson, Lt Col A Roxburgh, Mr O Larminie, Mr E Stenhouse, Mr A Roe, Maj Ruggles-Brise, Mr J Barker, Mr T Smart, Lt Gen Mayall, Mr
G Streatfeild, Capt O’Connor, Mr D Warner, Mr A Wood, Mr R Robinson, Col P Andrews, Mr M Hawtin, Mr T McCallum, Mr C Martel, Brig de Quincey-Adams, Maj Ruck Keene, Brig Richmond, Mr Q Browell, Mr P Gordon-Finlayson, Mr S Patel, Mr J Lough, Mr M Ashley-Miller, Mr J Carroll, Mr D Rosier, Mr H Sugden, Mr M Thompson, Mr P Wickham, Mr P Holdsworth, Mr M Botsford, Maj Mansel, Mr R Staveley, Prof J Hacker Hughes, Capt E Owen, Col S Stewart, Maj B Matthews, Mr P Benham-Crosswell, Mr W Russell, Mr A Campbell, Mr H Renshaw, Mr C Shepherd-Barron, Capt S Maxwell, Mr C Byrd, Col J Stenhouse, Mr J Benda, Lt Col Kierstead, Maj D Wiggins, Mr C Beaver, Lt Col N Fenton, Mr K McGinnity, Mr D Owen, Mr J Beatson-Hird, Lt E Cooper, Col G Baldwin, Mr M Groves, Mr T Mossop, Lt Col R Parry, Lt Fulloway, Lt Upward, Mr C Craven, Mr D Sheehan, Mr R Ferguson.
Field of Remembrance Westminster Abbey
    On Thursday 11th November The Duchess of Cornwall opened the 93rd Field of Remembrance at Westminster Abbey. The Royal British Legion once again kindly planted our Regimental Rolls of Honour bearing the names of those from the KDG, Bays and QDG who made the ultimate sacrifice and our wooden remembrance crosses. Due to mainte- nance being carried out on the Sacristy,
thusthefieldhavingtobesmalleronlysix Regimental representatives were able to attend the service and opening this year.
Those in attendance were: The Colonel of the Regiment Brig AS Richmond OBE, Lt Col Brace MBE BEM, Maj O Larminie, Maj C Ruggles-Brise, Mr D Way and Mr M Hawtin. Next year we will hopefully have more tickets to issue.

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