Page 86 - QDG Vol. 9 No. 2 CREST
P. 86

                                84 1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards
 Regimental Home Headquarters
Mark Hawtin – Regimental Secretary • Kate Cox – Assistant Regimental Secretary
Catherine Symons – Subscriptions/General Enquiries • Sophie Poeton – Shop/Lottery/General Enquiries Mark Evans – Regimental Curator • Hannah Searle – Regimental Assistant Curator
    Over the past 12 months Home Headquarters has returned to some semblance of normality with many of the pressures from Covid-19 lifting, this is after experiencing multiple lockdowns, the team having to work from home for most of the year and tighter restric- tions enforced in Wales. Many RCA events were organised, some had to be cancelled or reorganised due to restric- tions or changes in Covid policy, but all those that ended up going ahead were well attended, especially considering the vulnerability that many of our comrades find themselves under from the virus. Although most of us are now double and even booster jabbed, we once again find ourselves facing tougher restrictions over the winter months due to Omicron and anticipated future variants, but I’m hopeful that come the Spring things will become much more normal and we’ll be able to hold all our traditional annual events. Throughout this year’s disruption the HHQ team has supported
the Regiment, our comrades, and their immediate families, I would like to thank the Regiment, the Trust and Committee and all those Regimental family members that have assisted us throughout this difficult period, especially enabling us to support those that have found them- selves struggling or facing difficulty.
I’d also like to thank Mark Ashley Miller and Chris Gibbons, who on behalf of the RCA have once again supported those Dragoons serving on operations, organ- ising a Christmas gift for those on Op NEWCOMBE 2 and 3 and a thoughtful Christmas hamper for their immediate families back in the UK. HHQ has received many extremely grateful letters of thanks from those families on behalf of the RCA and I know that those QDG on tour really appreciated the gesture, so a big thank you to all those
of strict lockdown we were all looking forward to getting together. The first live event this year was the Border Counties and Powys Branches Oswestry Gig in July, organised by Dave Maltby. Sadly it had to be cancelled last minute, once again due to government restrictions, but Martin Orde managed to keep the use of the Oswestry RFC pitch and a very well attended, open air, Sandbaggers bash was held in its place. Dave and Sally Way were once again able to hold their Tank Fest BBQ, minus the Tank Fest, but with 30 guests. Next up was the Hay on Wye Armed Forces weekend with Kelvyn Jenkins as one of the main organisers, a large attendance from the Sandbaggers camping out over the weekend and more RCA members turning up on Sunday parading through Hay to the Service of
that donated into the fund, an outstanding £9000 has been raised so far.
I think that after a year
a big thank you to all those that donated into the fund, an outstanding £9000 has been raised so far
Remembrance. The RCA Cardiff Dinner at the Masonic Hall was a resounding success, a big thank you to Chris and his committee for organising and all the RCA feedback was positive, especially the price of a pint! The last function of the year was the Officers’ Dinner with 70 sitting down, not bad considering that infection rates were starting to grow exponentially due to the cold and flu season.
We were once again able to attend Remembrance Parades, with many of our
  comrades laying Regimental Wreaths at their local Cenotaphs. We also had a pretty good turnout at the Welsh National Service of Remembrance here in Cardiff. This year we are considering having a marching contingent at the Remem- brance Sunday Parade at the Cenotaph in London, if you would like to attend, please contact HHQ. We were also extremely fortunate that Marc ‘Sparky’ Davies is currently working over in the UAE as he was able to represent the Regiment and RCA at a Remembrance Service in the former RAF Sharjah Churchyard, Dubai, now known as St Martin’s Church. The church has a number of Commonwealth War Graves that have recently had their headstones replaced due to erosion from the harsh desert environment. This is very poignant and relevant to us as a regi- mental family as sadly on the 27th July 1967 LCpl Keith Ainsworth died whilst serving in Sharjah, whilst serving on ERE with HQ Land Forces. Marc attended the service, placed a Regimental wreath at

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