Page 36 - Scottish Woman Issue 77 2021
P. 36
Vicky Paul is an intuitive artist, energy healer and author. She gives us her tips for finding direction in the year ahead and connecting with who we truly are
Whether you choose to make New Year’s resolutions or not, every January feels like a fresh start. I don’t need to tell you that the pandemic has brought the way we live into sharp focus. We are being called to explore something deeper within us as we expect the unexpected, embrace change and live in the present moment. To do that we need to honour the spiritual aspect of our self.
In 2005, at the height of my career, I had a life breakdown and spiritual awakening after I lost my job. When a profound experience left me able to sense and work with energy, I trained as a certified yoga teacher, energy healer and soul plan practitioner. I was called to start painting and writing again after three miscarriages left me struggling to express how I was feeling.
The truth is we are multidimensional beings (mind, body, spirit and soul), who have spent too long focusing on our outer world, at the expense of our inner world. Our soul is the beautiful, energetic part of us that is hope. It is intangible, but felt deeply and truly in the love
we have and the connection we crave.
As an intuitive artist, I am able to sense and connect with universal energy, which I interpret
as shapes, colours, feelings, memories or guidance. I then paint this information as a visual reflection of your soul. This is a co-creative process that releases the stories that may be holding you back from your passion, purpose and potential.
A soul energy portrait
If 2021 has left you feeling lost, disconnected, anxious or dissatisfied with life, I invite you to ditch your outdated resolutions, and kick off 2022 by reconnecting with the awakening, transforming, healing and aligning energy of your soul. If you want to make this year one of your best yet, here are a few easy tips to get you started:
• Notice the way you speak to yourself and change the negative language. Everything you think and say is an affirmation, so what you say becomes your reality.
• Listen to your soul’s whispers by practising self-awareness. Learn why you feel and behave the way you do. Take the time to explore painful memories and forgive yourself and others. Greater self-awareness invites in the energies of possibility and potential.
• Pay attention to what and who expands your energy and what constricts it. Are you coming from a place of fear/ constriction or a place of love/expansion?
• If your life feels out of control, rather than hang on for dear life, let go. Trust is one of the most powerful ways to access your soul’s gifts.
• When things get tough, rather than blame someone or something for the challenges you’re facing, accept that these experiences are for your evolution and growth, and welcome the lessons with grace.
• Practise gratitude. It’s the fastest way to reconnect with everything that is true and good in this world.
Vicky Paul’s book, How to be SuccesSoul®, is a guide to reconnecting with your soul.
She also hosts the How to be SuccesSoul podcast, a show featuring wisdom, life-changing insights and conversations with voices in wellbeing, spirituality, self- love and personal development. Find out more at or over on Instagram @vickyjpaul
Credit: Jay Cain