Page 34 - Simply Vegetables Autumn 2023
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                                  and also took a key role for the Welsh Branch in setting up the judges exam last year. Andrew also provides veg for the Welsh Branch Displays and helps to transport the display materials and build the stands.
Sue McCall
Sue joined the NVS in 2011 and
has been an active Welsh Branch Committee member since then. Sue is the Welsh Branch Minute Secretary and is a key contributor at meetings. Sue passed her Judges exam in 2017 and has judged at numerous local and branch shows. When not Judging, Sue often volunteers to Steward at the shows. Sue was instrumental in the management and planning of the Welsh Branch’s judges exam last year from sourcing a venue to providing refreshments. A top grower, Sue also supplies vegetables for our display at the Royal Welsh show and helps to construct the stand.
Harold Lawlor
Harold joined the NVS in 2013 and has been an active Irish D.A. Committee member ever since. Harold is very approachable and always willing to
give advice on vegetable growing and promoting the NVS. Harold is a regular contributor with giving talks, including at the Tullamore Show and he has also contributed articles for the SV Magazine. An inspiration to all, Harold is still growing vegetables, learning, competing and exhibiting, at the age of 100!! Always happy to share hints and tips to the younger growers (and at 100, that’s all of us), Harold has been recognised for all the work he has done for the NVS in Ireland.
Ray Higgins
Raymond joined the NVS in 2006
and his enthusiasm and dedication is second to none. Resident in Ireland, Raymond is Chair in Ireland and from setting up the D.A. in 2006 and he was Secretary from 2006 to 2011 and has works tirelessly to expand and improve the knowledge of growing vegetables within Ireland and the UK. Raymond was part of the strategic working group for the Trustees from 2014 to 2016 and held the post of National assistant Secretary for 2021/2022. Raymond became National Vice Chair in 2023. Raymond passed his judges exam in 2014 and has judged at Local, Branch and National level. Raymond was also
responsible for setting up the 1st judges’ exam within Ireland in 2022. This year Raymond has organised the Inaugural Irish championships and their 1st spring seminar. Raymond gives talks locally and has talked at Medwyn’s Master Class in addition to the NVS Zoom talks which he oversees and hosts. A regular volunteer and action Trustee, Raymond works hard for the society.
Frank Taylor
Frank joined the NVS in 2003 and
has been an active Scottish Branch Committee Member ever since, including being a member of the Grampian D.A. from 2003 to present day. Frank became the Scottish branch Show Manager in 2015 with hosting the National Championships being his 1st event and stood down from this role in 2022. Frank became Scottish Branch Vice Chair in 2019 and then Chair in 2023, following the sad new of Ian Stock’s death. Frank also became a Trustee Rep in 2022. Frank passed his judges exam in 2008 and judges
at all levels, including the National Championships in 2016. Frank regularly gives talks on growing and showing vegetables locally and at the Grampian D.A.. Frank has been the Grampian D.A. Secretary for many years and is
an active fundraiser for both D.A. and Branch and he grows carloads of plants for the various plant sales. Frank was also instrumental in helping establish the North of Scotland D.A. Although an accomplished exhibition grower, Frank likes to champion the growing of veg for the kitchen which is where his primary enjoyment lies.
Gwenda Williams
Gwenda joined the NVS back in the
late 70’s /early 80’s and was initially a member of the Northern Branch, prior to the formation of the Welsh Branch. Gwenda was Welsh Branch Newsletter Editor from 1985 to 1989 and she sold too many raffle tickets to recall as well as organizing a Tombola stall to help
the Welsh Branch funds and support
at national level through generously providing multiple raffle prizes every year. She has also been a steward at
the Welsh Branch Championships. Gwenda was also very active behind the scenes when the Executive Committee
Meetings were held at Preston
many years ago and was an active member of the National Publications sub-committee in 1987. Gwenda also designed the NVS China mugs which were produced in celebration of the NVS’s 50 years. Whilst Gwenda is not
a qualified NVS judge, she has often assisted in judging the Interbranch display competitions at the National Championships. Gwenda passed her NVS Practical exam during the early 80’s but never took the theory paper, however, her vast experience means that she always assisted Medwyn with Judging, including over 20 years at
the Tullamore Show. Gwenda helped Medwyn establish the Gwynedd D.A., from supporting Medwyn with an open garden and refreshments to providing meals for many visitors. Medwyn reports “She never did any lecturing........ only to me!!” She has however assisted Medwyn on most of his talks and with many of them long distances she used to take care of the driving. Gwenda has supported the NVS and her husband, Medwyn at many NVS events and
has always been available at display stands to help answer any questions
the public may have. She has also been instrumental in ensuring “Medwyn’s
of Anglesey’s” 13 gold medal winning displays at Chelsea look their best from 1996 to 2019. Gwenda also worked to help achieve the Tudor Rose award at Hampton Court in 1995 and then again on her own in 1996 (whilst Medwyn nursed a broken leg). Gwenda has
also supported Medwyn in creating many displays at Tatton Park, Malvern, Harrogate, and Dundee for the public to see. Gwenda has been at the forefront of the NVS for over 40 years and is well deserving of a gold medal for her level of commitment and support.
  Thankyou to all our award recipients for this year and to everyone who supports the NVS.
All volunteers make such a difference.
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