Page 36 - Simply Vegetables Autumn 2023
P. 36

                                Southern Branch Championships 2023
 A couple of weeks before the New Forest Show, I went to the showground to check the veg tent was ok, and the show benches were as they should be for the Southern Branch Championships 2023. In a matter of weeks, the showground would be buzzing with activity, but
for now everywhere was quiet. It is a different sort of hush before the show, the quiet is very still. When the show is over, I am convinced I can still hear the echo of voices around the tent, even when everyone has gone.
As the show approached, I kept checking with Entries Secretary, Barbara Gould, what entries had been received and was worried we seemed down on
perform. The New Forest Show organisers had asked everyone to make a scarecrow reflecting their section of the show. So, there was also a scarecrow to erect, entitled “Royal Roots”.
Then we were ready. “Build it and they will come”. It is always a nervous time waiting to see what entries make it to the show bench. I remember last year, we had 7 runner bean entries, but only 2 made it
to the bench, would it be the same this year? Although not as scorching hot as last year, the extremes of weather as the year progressed had presented growers with
a challenge. Add to that the higher costs of compost, electricity and fuel; I would
last year. As the deadline approached, the entries started to build; we were in good shape.
As usual “It’s not like Tesco!”, “My veg doesn’t look like that”, “How do they grow it like that?”, “Who is this Sherie Plumb?” rang around the tent
have understood if some growers had decided to call it a day.
It is always exciting when exhibitors start
to arrive. Gradually the show benches filled and there were very few gaps. Most of the entries were making it to the show bench. We even had 8 out of 9 runner bean entries! I was starting to feel better.
Then the exhibitors clear the tent and the judges arrive. Head Judge, Barry Newman, works
his magic briefing the
David with Mick and Gordon, judging in progress
cheques and New Forest Show prize money cards. It is a hive of activity.
Time is passing, the exhibitors and the public start impatiently gathering at the entrance; the exhibitors eager to see how they have done, the public just wanting to see the wonderful exhibits on display.
Tension is mounting. The judges decided who had won Best in Show and then
the show was OPEN! It was a triumph. Normally in a show, about 66% of entries are actually staged. On the NVS side 85% had been staged, and on the New Forest Show side, a phenomenal 90% made it to the show bench. That was astounding and the show benches looked splendid.
As usual “It’s not like Tesco!”, “My veg doesn’t look like that”, “How do they grow it like that?”, “Who is this Sherie Plumb?” rang around the tent.
 On the Sunday before
the show, my build team
arrived, led by Show
Manager, Keith Hine.
As Show Secretary, I
have now done all I can
to organise everything.
When the team arrives, I
am relieved to share the
responsibility. The team
set about covering the
show benches with black
fabric, putting up show
signs and banners, painting the staging boards so they are fresh and smart for the exhibits and putting out class markers. Most importantly, the refreshments station is installed to keep the team refreshed and to welcome exhibitors after their travels with a drink and a biscuit.
judging team, with Keith as his wing man. The judges go to work. There is an intensity in the air. Results Manager, Norman Dickinson, crunches the numbers as the judges’ stewards deliver results cards
to him. Yvonne Newman calmly writes names in beautiful calligraphy on the Prize Cards. Treasurer, Helen Cox, starts writing
 This year, there was a new duty to
      Chris Spree’s tomatoes
Sherie Plumb
John Trim
36 Simply Vegetables

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