Page 37 - Simply Vegetables Autumn 2023
P. 37

                                    There were even some entries in a couple of roots classes from a mystery exhibitor “CR III” – did the public notice? His cultivars were all “Royal Roots”. Whether they spotted those entries or not, the public loved having their photo taken with the scarecrow. We particularly loved the photo of Maisie-Mae Benn-Godfrey, aged 10 and her sisters Elithia, aged 9 and Arabella aged 5 with CR III and his royal roots.
We also had a competition for the public to guess how many potatoes were in
the scarecrow’s potato sack. A few less
on day three, as it happens, as someone clearly fancied the lovely potatoes Sherie had donated and they mysteriously went missing!
Well done to Tony Stevens for winning the Banksian medal and Sherie Plumb for
achieving Show Champion. We had some new exhibitors; Helen entered and came second in herbs. David Page travelled from Suffolk and amongst other things, scooped Best in Show with his parsnips. Plus, the team were thrilled the veg section won the scarecrow competition!
When the first day of the show was over, we retired to the White Rabbit in Lyndhurst for our social evening and presentation
of trophies. We are most grateful to Ann and Bob Brown, Barbara and Nigel Gould, David Shergold, Ted Perren and Ros Holton for generously sponsoring the event this year.
The food was wonderful, and everyone seemed to have a great time. Particularly John Trim who had no idea he had won the South of England Potato Championships until his name was announced and the
David Page’s Best in Show parsnips
amazement on his face was a picture. News travels fast, within days, John was featured in an article in the Lymington Times, “Veg legend John secures top accolade after 22 years”. He reportedly said, “I have spent the last 22 years trying to win this class, so I am absolutely ecstatic and chuffed to bits”. Congratulations John.
There’s no doubt, it is hard work organising a show. However, without a fantastic team to bring the show to life, the show would not happen. Like an Oscar’s acceptance speech, I would like to thank everyone who helps at, judges, and enters the show.
Barbara Gould for managing the entries. Keith Hine, Barbara and Nigel Gould, Ros Holton, Harry Theobald, Kelvin Mason, Ian Clemens and Bob Marsh for setting up. Jan Lovell for setting up and staging, stuffing
      Sherie Plumb
Incredible cabbage
Diana’s Master Gardener blooms
Simply Vegetables 37

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