Page 21 - Thrapston Life February 2022
P. 21

                                 What’s the best thing about the DTs? We are very lucky in having fine comedy performers among our ranks. The main purpose is to have fun and enjoy ourselves, while at the same time putting on the very best show we can.
Any on-stage mishaps? Yes, of course there are mishaps – malfunctioning props, mistimed entrances and fluffed lines – but these are not exclusive to the non-professional theatre!
What’s the best ‘one liner’ you’ve written? In maybe 1,200 pages of script so far it’s impossible to pick out favourite jokes. We’re always surprised by our audiences – sometimes lines we think are fall-about hilarious raise only a titter, while other lines bring the house down. That’s the beauty of live performance!
We’ve enjoyed inventing character names, including the Wild West preacher Parson Wynde, the publican Roy Loake, and the 1920s Chicago private eye Lou Freschner. We’ve yet to find a place for another favourite, Dwayne Rodding.
If you were granted one wish for the DTs, what would it be? We sometimes wish that Denford Village Hall had a permanent stage, wings and dressing rooms, as we have to erect a modular stage each week for our rehearsals, though we’re now used to changing in the kitchen and what was once the gents’ loo!
Any unsung heroes in the DTs? I hope none go unsung, or unapplauded, but special mention must be made of our brilliant director, Paul Carter and the stage management team.
Proudest moment, and what brings you joy?
Every year at least one audience member says that it was the “best show ever”, and while our loyal audience continue to feel that way, we will be proud of what we achieve!
Any future ambitions? Most of the cast are now easily distinguishable from spring chickens, but enthusiasm, a love of performance and
the social aspect of the DTs drive us on. Our current target is 25 years of performances!
Photos by Peter Eden

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