Page 22 - Thrapston Life February 2022
P. 22

                                                                PLAZA OPERA
...back on stage
‘The Merry Widow’ – Franz Lehar’s fully staged comic operetta, is receiving three performances in The Thrapston Plaza on 17th and 18th February at 7pm and on 19th February at 5pm.
This is a real contrast to our last production, Bizet’s tragic tale of ‘Carmen’ in 2020. That was our 10th Anniversary production following regular annual performances of some of the best known opera favourites including Verdi’s ‘Aida’, Puccini’s ‘Madam Butterfly’ and Tchaikovsky’s ‘Eugene Onegin’ – to name but three.
Thrapston Plaza Opera was founded
by Vincent Davy in 2010 with the aim of presenting good quality productions involving the local community. Most of the 25 strong chorus are locally based but soloists often come from further afield. All operas are sung in English accompanied by an orchestra.
Never seen an opera? Not sure if it’s for you?
Come and see ‘The Merry Widow’ for an evening of comedy with many melodies you’ll certainly recognise. Book now to ensure a good evening’s entertainment!
The Merry Widow production will be following all current Covid-safe restrictions including having reduced audience capacity to allow sufficient social spacing and face masks to be worn by audience members.
   Tickets can be obtained via our website:
or phone 01832 733586. As situations are continually changing please check the website for up to date information.
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  Raise funds for the NHS team closest to your heart.
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04/01/2022 16:27
13,000ft Charity Skydive

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