Page 24 - Oundle Life March 2022
P. 24

                                 Just when we thought we had ‘run’ out of heroes, along comes another –
Oundle Life Local Hero for this month, Ian Gow, is a very keen runner and a true champion in our community. The email we received nominating him was lovely...
On moving to Oundle at the end of 2020, I made it to one run with the Oundle Chatter runners before
the start of the second lockdown.
A few weeks days later I had a surprise knock on my door from their founder and leader Ian Gow. He’d remembered that I was new to the area and asked if I wanted to run (within
the rules) throughout the
winter. This was unbelievably welcomed.
Since then he’s become a great
running buddy. As soon as rules permitted he introduced me to the Oundle Chatter Runners, a great bunch who welcome everyone and it’s hard not to feel at ease with the banter that flows as a warm-up to the run.
Ian is a very talented baker and often brings a car boot full of his homemade treats to
share at the end of a run, even providing for specific dietary requirements. The
runs also cater for all, with Ian ensuring he runs at the back of the pack so no one
feels the pressure to run faster than they are comfortable. This hides
the fact that he’s an incredibly strong runner with successes
across all distances from 5k to the marathon. Seeing him in the 2021 London Marathon was a highlight of my year.
I don’t think he realises what
a pillar he is to the running community in Oundle and
how pivotal he has been to me feeling settled in this great town
– thanks Ian!
We surprised Ian with a £25 voucher for a meal at The
George Inn and his certificate.
What a smashing chap you are Ian, a well deserved
winner in our eyes.
Oundle Life
  Oundle Chatter Runners

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