Page 13 - Out Birding August 2022
P. 13

The western boundary took us to Butts Scrape (which was not as painful as it sounds) where Redshank, Oystercatcher and Teal were dozing in the early afternoon; Pied Wagtail was, as ever, wagging. Behind the hide a sole Sedge Warbler sat in open view singing for some 20 minutes without moving. In the distance were Little Ringed Plover feeding along on the water’s edge.
Walking to the southern side of the reserve, Linnet appeared briefly and then a very good view of Hobby circling above. On the path back to the visitor centre Skylark and Pheasant were both heard, House Sparrow and Blue Tit bustled between bushes whilst Mute Swan and Moorhen were viewed on the marsh. Leaning over a bridge we were able to watch some large marsh frogs, who mostly seemed unperturbed by our presence, as were the damselflies and dragonflies seen throughout the day.
Near the Purfleet Hide a vulgarity of Starling was rapidly gathering in a clump of bushes, they were joined by more and yet more until there was a hedge full. John suggested that it was a strategy meeting to choreograph their next murmuration.
Back to the centre for refreshments, and further socialising which, to me, is as valuable as the birding. Many thanks to Chris for planning this additional GBC event and to the other group members: Gavin, Helen, Ian, John, Jonathan, Joyce, June, Paul and Peter (and Janet who was unable to join the walk but was there to send us off at the start) for their company and knowledge. A total of 52 bird species recorded on this visit.
Martin Harrison
 Weaver Valley Group
Knepp Group

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