Page 16 - Out Birding August 2022
P. 16

Business Pages
2023 Calendar Events and Photos
If you would like to offer an event for the 2023 calendar please let Eva have the details.
The information required for events is:
date; location; leader; contact details.
If you usually go through your area representative,
please send the details to them. This will help avoid clashes.
Please send photos to
Events and photos need to reach us by 19th September. Thanks.
Annual General Meeting
This year the AGM will take place using Zoom, on Saturday 25th September, from 10am until about noon. If you would like to take part, please email me at
and I will send you the necessary details of how to join nearer the time.
Committee Membership
It is the time of year when membership of the committee can change. Anyone who has been a member for 12 months is eligible to be on the committee. If you are interested in joining please let me know by September 19th.
Here is a lovely photo of Shelduck by Mike. If you have some to share, please send them to Sue for the 2023 calendar where they can be enjoyed all year.

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