Page 38 - Oundle Life July 2021
P. 38

Community Seed Swap
During the quieter moments of lockdown, I began to think what fun it would be to set up a Community Seed Swap in Oundle. Countless people were ambling past our garden gate
to get daily fresh air and exercise and it seemed the right time to introduce the idea
of sharing seeds, which could lead to some colour or consumable vegetables in our lives! After all, with so many ‘cancelled’ events this was something we could do safely outside, provided users washed their hands, obviously! So, I sourced a pine cabinet,
weatherproofed it, and fixed
it to the gate. Placed inside
were labelled Tupperware
containers for seed storage,
small envelopes, pens, a plant
directory, a Feedback Book...
and the Seed Box was born!
Anyone of any age can
exchange seeds from the box.
The contents of the containers
are ever changing as people
bring open or unused seed
packets or harvested seed from
their gardens, depositing them for others to use.
All donated seeds need to be secured in envelopes clearly labelled with the plant name/ date and, if possible, any additional growing details. It is hoped that harvested seeds are only collected from healthy plants and seeds which have been lying on the ground are avoided
as they may have aged or experienced insect attack. All seeds need to be thoroughly dry and free from insects and pests. Also, seeds should be of non-invasive plant varieties, have been well stored, and less than three years old.
The Seed Swap relies on everyone’s good nature to give and take. Seed Swappers are encouraged to consider Swap Box Etiquette...
• Take only what you need so others can benefit
from the seeds on offer.
• Secure container lids to keep the seeds dry.
• Remember to close the door and drawer of
There is a Feedback Book in
the drawer for recording any interesting tips and hints about growing from
seed or report successes and disasters so other growers can learn from other.
Everyone using the Seed Swap can enjoy the freedom to experiment with seeds for FREE! It is an opportunity to share resources and
hopefully reap rewards. There are no guarantees the seeds will germinate, as not all the seeds in the swap box will be viable, but every seed is packed with HOPE! Please feel free to check out the Seed Swap and have a go. Your feedback is very welcome to help make this new venture a successful one for the Community.
         The Oundle Community Seed Swap Box can be found at Spindles, 11 Cotterstock Road, Oundle, PE8 4PN.
All enquiries to Talia Borley (07984 100376) In association with Blooming Oundle
the Seed Swap Box.

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