Page 73 - Bugle Spring 2023
P. 73
Instigated in 2009, the Elizabeth Cross is awarded to families of those servicemen killed in action since 1945. Four members of RIFLES antecedent regiments, namely Cpl Stanley Axe and Pte Peter
Davis of 1 KSLI, and Ptes William Roberts and Ernest Crowson
of 1 GLOSTERS, all of whom were killed in Korea, were commemorated at separate ceremonies in Gloucester, Aldershot, Preston,
and Rutland. Their families were presented with the awards,
and senior representatives of their regiments also attended.
Presentation to family of Pte Crowson
There was RIFLES representation at many commemorations throughout the Central Region. At Shrewsbury, the salute was taken by Shropshire Deputy Lieutenant, Lt Col Ian Sawers (formerly LI),
on one of his last duties before retirement. In the LI and RIFLES Association contingent that followed, the right marker was Maj Rob Sawers (formally RIFLES) who caught his father’s eye with the quality of his drill and turnout, even though, through a trick of
the light, he might appear to be out of step!
Presentation to family of Cpl Axe
Presentation to family of Pte Davis
Light Infantry Reunion 2023
All are reminded that the Light Infantry Reunion will be held at Shrewsbury Town Football Club on Sat 17 Jun 23. Details will be promulgated shortly, by newsletter and on SWIFT. Serving or retired members of Antecedent Regiments and of The Rifles and their families are most welcome.
Sawers marches past Sawers
RIFLES The Bugle 73