Page 2 - Out Birding Summer 2024
P. 2

4-10 Event Reports 11-12 Events at a Glance
12 Extra Event
13 Another GBC Friendship
Cryp􏰀c Quiz
14-15 View from the Chair
16 Membership Subscrip􏰀ons Contact Details
17 Quarterly Commi􏰁ee Mee􏰀ngs Grand Get Together
18 Regional Contacts
19 Commi􏰁ee Members
Cover: Firecrest: Pat Cro􏰂on
Back cover: All labelled and credited
Welcome to a much slimmer edi􏰀on of Out Birding than those of the last year. Contribu􏰀ons of both text and pictures have been sparse and I have emp􏰀ed my coffers so I am relying on you to re-fill them.
Many thanks to those who submi􏰁ed event reports, pp 4-10, some of which hint at spring which I hope will be well and truly with us by the 􏰀me you read this. I had an impromptu mee􏰀ng at RSPB Fairburn Ings recently, with one of our newer members, and was amazed at how many Blackcaps we encountered in the short 􏰀me we were there. Some carried nest material emphasising the urgency of their breeding period: fly in; find a mate; build a house; raise a family and fly out. A simple but precarious life.
There are plenty of events over the next few months for you to join pp 11-12. The club is blessed with so many leaders who give of their 􏰀me to put on the variety of days out which are available. Remember to let them know if you will be a􏰁ending.
There is an exci􏰀ng extra event, p12, made possible by our dona􏰀on to Ughill Farm, reported in the last edi􏰀on.
Sarah has provided another heartening story of GBC friendship, p13.
Andy has shared a few more memories of his seafaring adventures on pp14-15.
Membership fees will be due in August and details of those are on p16.
A summary of the latest commi􏰁ee mee􏰀ng is on p17. Don’t forget to let Greg or me know if you like the idea of being able to read these. In addi􏰀on, don’t hesitate to suggest topics for discussion.
Finally, there is news about Grand Get Together 14 on p 17. It looks as though our 30th anniversary will be celebrated in style.
Enjoy the coming months. I hope you find good company among the birds and the watchers.
Copy date for the next edi􏰀on is 1st July 2024
 Views expressed in OB are the views of the contributors and are not necessarily shared by the editor, commi􏰁ee or members of the GBC.

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